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"The Jeff Oliver Story" ... by Crista Rinaldi

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Jeff Oliver - The Beat Goes On...

Interview Transcript...

What is your musical background?
JEFF OLIVER-"Well, I first started playing drums in my early teens, when I was about twelve, I think? Santa bought me my first drum kit. I joined my first band when I was thirteen and that was it... the rest is history. I played with the 'POOR BOYS', for around eighteen months/two years (?) Something like that anyway! I moved to Darwin in 1989. I lived there for about four years, and was basically the resident drummer for every band there. I loved the weather in Darwin, and the great people there. I moved to Perth in 1993, and joined up with the IAN KENNY BAND, staying with them for over eight years. During this time we were joined by MATT TAYLOR, produced a CD, and did support for bands such as STATUS QUO and DEEP PURPLE. I then went on to joining PEARL COAST, who I've been with for over twenty-four months now. I also work part-time, as a drum tutor, when not on the road. At the moment though, it's very difficult as I'm always working on the road, and it doesn't leave much time for other interests."

What would you say have been your careers high and low points?
JEFF OLIVER-"The high point would have to be when I played at Bindoon Rock with the 'POOR BOYS' because of the big stage and a good crowd. It was a great weekend, with a fantastic atmosphere. As for low points, I can't actually think of any real low points, other than the amount of time spent travelling on the road."

How much time do you spend on the road travelling?
JEFF OLIVER-"Sometimes two days to get to the first gig, and the next day it could be three hours, depending on how the tour is set up. There are times we have to travel twenty hours just to get to a gig."

What's been the hardest drawback of being on the road, that you’ve had to deal with?
JEFF OLIVER-"Not being home as much as I would like to have been."

I guess it makes it hard on the relationship front??
JEFF OLIVER-"What relationship?? It's difficult finding the right someone who can handle the long absences whilst touring."

What first attracted you to the music scene?
JEFF OLIVER-"RINGO STARR - I wanted to be just like RINGO!"

What is it about music that you love the most?
JEFF OLIVER-"It's a great way to make a living, and for making people happy - well most people!"

Who are your main musical influences?
JEFF OLIVER-"JOHN BANHAM drummer for the band 'LED ZEPPELIN', for his flamboyant style, being super fast, and a great technician. NEIL PERT of 'RUSH' fame, has a great drum sound with great drum solos'."

What are you best known for?
JEFF OLIVER-"I'm best known for the 'POOR BOYS' and MATT TAYLOR and his band, CHAIN."

Who have you worked with in the past?
JEFF OLIVER-"I have been lucky enough to work with some of the best musicians in the industry including; Peter DEAN ('The JETS',), JON RYDER (Trilogy/Vdelli/ Saracen/IKB) Matt TAYLOR (CHAIN), Ian KENNY (IKB/Worlds End/True Colours), POOR BOYS, DEEP PURPLE, STATUS QUO, and JIMMY BARNES (COLD CHISEL). I have played at venues such as Bindoon Rock, Pannawonica Rodeo, Esperance Oz Rock, and Darwin River Rock."

Have you been involved in the release of any albums?
JEFF OLIVER-"Yes! 'Take your pick', was released in 2000, for the IAN KENNY BAND. It was exciting, but very time consuming as well."

What equipment do you use?
JEFF OLIVER-"I use 'BRADY DRUMS' made in Armadale, Western Australia. Actually the other band members use guitars made in WA as well. I consider 'BRADY DRUMS' to be the best in the world, with great quality, brilliant looks, and they always sound good. The customer service is excellent, and the guys running the business are all really nice and helpful."

What’s the best piece of advice you've ever given?
JEFF OLIVER-"Practice your singles and doubles."

What have your main achievements been?
JEFF OLIVER-"I've worked on several successful album releases, helped write a No.1 hit, have played with world renowned muso's, and I am happy with my accomplishments to date. My main achievement is that I've hardly ever been out off work, and have worked with great muso's, some being the best in the industry."

What's keeping you busy now?
JEFF OLIVER-"Touring the North West, with the band PEARL COAST. The upcoming tour is based around the Marble Bar Cup. We play at venues from Kalgoorlie in the South, and as far North as Derby in the Pilbara."

How did you and Pearl Coast come together?
JEFF OLIVER-"Peter DEAN and Rod COXELL both former members of 'The JETS' got together. We have known each other for around twelve or so years now, and about eighteen months ago, Peter DEAN invited me to join his new band, PEARL COAST."

What do you think best describes your band, Pearl Coast?
JEFF OLIVER-"Three ugly old blokes!"
[Referring to a comment made, when the band recently featured on the 'NEW DIMENSIONS' ABC TV show, hosted by GEORGE NEGUS.]
"Playing all the hits from yesteryears to today, from the 60's to 90's." "Playing all the hits from the best bands in the world, such as LED ZEPPELIN, AC/DC, STATUS QUO, PINK FLOYD, BLINK 182, INXS, FOOFIGHTERS, THE ANGELS, etc..."

What is Pearl Coast about?
JEFF OLIVER-"At the moment, it is just about touring the Mid-West. We try and please everybody; we entertain everyone, and try to make everyone remember they have seen the band. We incorporate all styles from Rhythm and Blues to Rock 'n' Roll. We don't limit ourselves to any one style..."

Do you (or the band) write any of your own material?
JEFF OLIVER-"Not at the moment, as we just haven't got the time, but I have in the past. I haven't recorded any as yet, but have been involved on projects that have, such as the album, 'Take your Pick', for the IAN KENNY BAND"

Whats the most memorable experience?
JEFF OLIVER-"'Perth Drummers Day, 1994', because it was a lot of great drummers getting together on the one day. There were no guitarists there for a start, and even the audience was drummer friendly."

Where have the best gig locations been?
JEFF OLIVER-"Here, coz we get to see you! Karratha is excellent all round, because they try and get involved, and you know they are having a great time."

Where have the worst gig locations been?
JEFF OLIVER-"There are only two towns in the North that I really don’t like. I don't like the people there, don't like the venues, there are two many pissheads, and then there's the general town vibe."

What’s been one of your funniest experiences whilst touring?
JEFF OLIVER-"Dropping Jon RYDER on his head, but if he see's this he might not like me so much anymore. It was Jon's last night with the band [IAN KENNY BAND] so I suggested to Ian [Ian KENNY] that we throw him in the pool. Of course Jon didn’t like this idea, and was kicking and screaming, causing Ian to loose his grip, which wouldn’t have been that big a problem except I was still holding Jon's legs, and the rest is self-explanatory."

Are you living the life you've always dreamed of?
JEFF OLIVER-"It would be nice to fly everywhere, but I've always wanted to play music, so yes I am to a certain extent, but still chasing the illusive fame and glory of my idle, RINGO STARR."

What are your future goals?
JEFF OLIVER-"To still be playing when I'm sixty, and I haven't got that long to go! Just to keep playing, at least until CARLTON wins the Premiership!"

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