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Up With Chocolate and Up With Ewan

Saturday, March 8, 2025
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See where other Ewan Fans a from The glory that is Catcher Block

"Oh I Do Dig"
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This is my own little slice of Ewan McGregor on the WWW.

I know its not a lot but I'm just getting started. I have lots of files on my other computer and on a few cds. So check back often to see what I've done. It won't be too much at one time because I am in school everyday, so I really won't get to work on it much. Please vist the rest of my site and the links I have on every page. Thank you!!!

Ewan has had MANY roles over the years, most I haven't seen before, but the role that really caught my eyes was Catcher Block in Down With Love. I had seen him in Star Wars Episode I and also in Moulin Rouge (only bits an pieces), but until I saw Down With Love I never understood that power that this man has. So sit back relax and bask in the love and glory that is Ewan "Catcher Block" McGregor.

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