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1- Fall Children
2- Halloween
3- The Boy Who Destroyed The World
4- Totalimmortal

1- Fall Children

As the cries start to penetrate still air, this day we celebrate.
The wait now ends.
From four corners smoke plums into reddened sky.
In the face of latern light, my destiny flies.
This day so hallowed, from here to forever its will I will follow.
Tonight will come to life.
Deadened branches stirred by whispers in the wind.
Fall children fill the streets at dusk, at last, it all will begin.

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2- Halloween

Bonfires burning bright.
Pumpkin faces in the night.
I remember halloween.
Dead Cats hanging from poles.
Little Dead are out in droves.
I remember Halloween.
Brown Leafed Vertigo.
Where skeletal life is known.
I remember Halloween.
This day anything goes.
Burning bodies hanging from poles.
I remember Halloween.


Candy apples and razor blades.
Little dead are soon in graves.
I remember Halloween.
This day anything goes.
Burning bodies hanging from poles.
I remember Halloween.

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3- The Boy Who Destroyed The World

Once there was boy who had vibrant glow, but as it goes, someone took it from him.
One day through the rain I heard him meekly moan, he said
"Will you wrap your arms around me as I'm falling?"
Remember when, remember when, remember when we were all so beautiful?
Never again, never again, but since then we've lost our glow.

They said it hurt their eyes, but he would never know, that they were filled with
regret as their own dissipated.
He said, "I now feel more desperately alone,
even though they wrapped their arms around me as I'd fallen."

Remember when, remember when, remember when we were all so beautiful?
Never again, never again, but since then we've lost our glow.
Remember when, remember when, remember when we were all so beautiful?
Never again, never again, but since then we've lost our glow.

They said it hurt their eyes, but he would never know that they were claiming
regret as their own... their own dissipated.

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4- Totalimmortal

Hope unkown. Sometimes just waking is surreal.
I walk right through the nameless ones.
I know that hope's unknown.
Sometimes the water feels so real.
As I walk through it fills my lungs, my god, I'm drowning.
This day never seems to end.
This pain, never.
This rage I can not let go.

I hear them calling my name.
I feel them gnawing out holes through flawless souls.

So alone. Sometimes I swear that I can hear the taunting of the voiceless ones.
I fear that I alone fear those who finally ceased to feel that they're alone
inside this place.
I am the misplaced.
Now every face, it looks familiar...
then every face would melt away until...
now everyone, do you know, I know your deception?

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