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Limitpoint Tour Farewell! (08-05-03)

Brooke picked us up in the morning and we all headed over to Shaw's. When we got there, Gina and I headed straight to work washing the LP van which was gross and caked on with dirt.. you couldn't even tell the van had been white once! We scrubbed and washed with the help of the guys, and soon the van was sparkling again! After the van was loaded, Gina and I forced the guys inside so that we could unveil their surprise... a complete Tour Survival kit we had put together the night before! The kit included many things such as aspirin, band aids, baby wipes, tooth brushes, tooth paste, deodorant, shaving cream, razors, air freshener, soda, cookies, pictures and letters from us, a dancing hamster that sings "I'm too sexy," 2 water guns, a bag of water balloons, a deck of cards, fireworks (sparklers), a  pillow, and two plates of brownies baked that morning. When we signaled for them to come back outside though... we were ready and waiting with cans of silly string! They, however, intercepted our plans and fought back with cups of water, completely soaking us! But we got our revenge. There was silly string everywhere! In their hair, their clothes, and stuck to poor Eric and Shaw since they were shirtless! haha. It was great. After the silly string fight, they checked out their gifts and were completely stoked. They immediately examined everything in the basket and even sat down to read the letters. It was great. All hell broke loose though when they discovered the water guns and water balloons and they proceeded to launch a full out attack on the unsuspecting boys from Metaphor is Audio! But unfortunately, our day with Limitpoint ended all too soon and we had to return home.


Brooke helping us clean the van.

Discovering their surprise!

The guys checking out their gifts.

Eric thanking God for awesome girls like us!

The beginning of the silly string war!

The end of the silly string war.

Loading the trailer with Metaphor.

Eric dropping us off back at home.

The End!