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Cycloptic Love

There you are
I see your face
The most beautiful eye
in this place

You're there again
on the right side of the hall
My gaze is on you
but you don't see me at all

It's the fourth time I've seen you today
You're always walking my way
And when I see you out and about
My eye practically pops out
Cause you're beautiful and I need you everyday

Your icy blue eye
As smooth as glass
Your silky skin
And your well-sculpted...personality

Be my better half
you demigod
Don't wreck my hopes
and give me a quadruple bypass

Don't be cruel baby
don't do that to me
I'm blinded by your beauty
and I can hardly see
You're the one for me.  I've got my eye on you
I don't know what to do

Words and music by Jared Pfennigwerth  Copywright 2001
Download a spoken version (no music) of Cycloptic Love, here.