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why do we wait
why do we lie
why is the hesitation

why don't we say
what we want to say
are feelings just complications

is it out of generosity
are we in love with curiousity
or are we simply cowards, afraid to be exposed

why so much longer
why so far away
why now, why you, and why me

why the regrets
why the false hopes
impossible opportunity

are my feelings true, if so to who
if anyone knows, please tell me what to do
now i've got all the pieces, but where do they go

my life was confusing at first
you made it better and so much worse
i don't have a clue on what to do

because of you i'm changed
and i'd be willing to exchange
any friend or foe for just one night with you

a half year later
halfway across the world
one conversation with a very special girl
makes everything better for me

the smile on your face
the softness of your hair
makes me want to kiss you

i had my chance
but now you're far away
you're not here, and god i miss you

stolen piece of time for you and me
without your eyes, it's hard for me to see
i hear your voice everyday, but i can never see you

Words and music by Jared Pfennigwerth  Copywright 2001
