Pictures of The Band
Music Samples
As a Faithful fan of the RRB, I was compelled to start up my own webpage. So here it is, My first real attemt at a honest webpage so don't be too critical of my little project.
First of all I would like to say that they are an awesome band !! I alsow wanted to thank them for putting on such an energetic and entertaining show. You will never have a dull moment with these guys around. love to go and listen to them every chance I get. I happen to have the SLIGHTEST crush on the lead singer, Donnie Snow, so I'm sure you will hear more about him than the other band members, at least this far.
Unlike a lot singers I have seen, Donnie doesn't just keep his feet planted to the stage and move the least amount possible. His Energy simply amazes me. With a headset on and his hands free he jumps right into the middle of things singing and dancing he cute little ass off.
If you feel like dancing and you don't have a partner just go up to Donnie and start dancing with him he will ALWAYS welcome you with wide open arms and a big ol' Smile that would melt the toughest heart. You mix that awesome smile with the fact that he looks directly into your eyes the whole time you are Dancing with him and you have got yourself a deadly combination. He has a special talent of making you feel like the only person in the world at the time.
Donnie is just a good ol' boy with a heart of gold, and to help prove this I will tell you about my Special Request.
My special Request: He didn't hesitate in the least when I had a special request for him and he fulfulled it without a moments hesitation. With a bit of Modesty he excused himself and went and changed shirts and handed me his sweaty and signed RRB T-shirt (eat your heart out girls lol) WHAT A GUY! Ginger is a lucky girl, I have to say that I think he is a lucky guy to have a sweet girl like Ginger in his life.