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Name: Jason Bird
Date Of Birth: May 21, 1979 in Middlesex, England
Family: Mum, Dad, 2 older sisters Tracey and Nancy, 1 younger sister Melanie and 2 older brothers Barry and Simon
Height: About 157 cm
Shoe Size: 8.5
Fave TV Show: Popstars
Fave Movie: Star Wars Trilogy and Braveheart
Fave Food: Chocolate and lollies
Fave Colour: Black
Fave Actors: Brad Pitt, Whoopi Goldberg and Mel Gidson
Likes: Food and hats
Fave Song: "Ascension (Don't Ever Wonder)" by Maxwell and "In The Closet" by Michael Jackson
Most feared judge: Jackie O
Who he expected to be in the group: The Swedish boys
Who he called when he made the group: His best friend Lee from Melbourne
Hates: Snobs, Medicine and Hospotals
Hobbies: Singing, dancing and partying
Past Employment: Dancer/choreographer, worked with management at Sanity Music and Jay Jays
If he was an animal what one would he be: Tiger