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Name: Simon James Ditcham
Nickname: Kotter
Date Of Birth: March 15, 1978 in Hobart, Tas.
Family: Mum Pip and dad Michael, 2 brothers Jeremy and Tim and a sister Nikki
Pets: A golden retriever called Holly
Height: 178 cm
Shoe Size: 10
Fave TV Shows: The X-Files
Fave Movie: Fight Club
Fave Actor: Brad Pitt
Fave Food: Stew with lamb and tomato
Fave Colour: Brown or Green
Fave Song: Anything by Jeff Buckley
Hobbies: Sports and Music
Hates: Impolite people and cod liver oil
Likes: Sleeping in, Music, Sport, Hanging out with friends
Previous employment: Worked in a supermarket and at a pizza place
Wo he expected to get into the group: Jason's brother Simon and Atalana
Scariest Judge: Les