Below are various magazine & music paper articles relating to the skinhead/oi/punk scene.All text is EXACT word for word,and where possible pictures relating to the articles have been added.. COMING A CROPPER..Review of Nick Knights skinhead book by Garry Bushell.Taken from Sounds in 1982. TEN YEARS AFTER THE SHAM..Article on Sham 69's reformation in 1986.Taken from Sounds in 1986. THE NEW BREED..Feature on the 4-Skins and Infa
Riot by Garry Bushell.Taken from Sounds in 1980. LAGER THAN LIFE..First interview with the Business by Garry Bushell.Taken from Sounds
in 1981. OI POLLOI..First ever review of Oi! the album by Eric Fuller.Taken from Sounds in 1980.
ADVENTURES IN THE SKIN TRADE..Interview/feature on the 4 Skins by Valac Van derveene.Taken from Sounds in 1981.
BROTHERS UNDER THE SKIN..First ever review of the legendary Strength thru oi lp by Valac Van derveen.Taken from Sounds in 1981. MORE ARTICLES LIKE THESE WILL BE FEATURED SOON