This is the biography of Sierra Carter-Littrell, who is (in our Backstreet world) is the wife of Backstreet Boy - BRIAN LITTRELL.....
NAME: Sierra Nicole Carter-Littrell
BIRTHDAY: February 14, 1981
BIRTHPLACE: Jamestown, New York
HAIR: Blond with Brown Highlights
EYES: Clear Blue
PARENTS: Jane and Bob Carter
SIBLINGS: Nick, Dawn (her twin), BJ, Angel, Aaron, Virginia (half-sister)
CHILDREN: Devon Thomas - 5, Alexandra Nicole - 3, Brian Alexander and Briana Nicole - 1, and Austin Tyler and Angelita Tristan - newborn (born February 14, 2003)
Dogs - Lil Tyke, Lilly, KC, JoJo, Aida (chihuahuas), Chalupa (tea cup chihuahua), Pugsley (Pug), Ears (Beagle), Brownie (Chocolate Lab)
Cats - Pounce, Missy, Rhaja (cheetah)
Horses - Midnight, Starling
Penguin - Mr. Popper (rock-hopper)
Owl - Snowy (barn owl)
Lizards - Lizzy (chameleon), Sam (salamander), Vindy *short for Vin Diesel* (komodo dragon)
Birds - Iggy, Izzy (parrots)
Fish - Million, Goldie (Kois), Scooper (Algae Sucker), and Rainbow (minature rainbow shark)