This should be the simplest page for me because I'm talking about one of my favorite all time groups, but I gotta tell you it's not. Instead of writing the typical bio page, I decided to just write about my feelings for each member of the Monkees. You wouldn't believe this, but it has taken me months to do this page. I guess because I continue to learn more and more about them every day. I'll try to brief in my writings, but if I get to going on and on, please forgive me. I tend to get carried away.
As I got older, especially now, I know there is more to him. I see a man who loves his children; a man who has experienced so much in his life, personally and professionally. I see a man who never ages. I mean, we see the reseeding (i think that's how it's spelled) hair line, the aging lines in his face, and the extra (but flattering) weight he's picked up, but in my eyes, he's handsome and that smile never changes. Okay, yes he is 56, but believe me I've had some pretty wild dreams about this "old man".
Seriously, I have never liked an individual for these many years. My interests flow like the wind, but Micky, in my heart, will always be my #1. Jim Morrison a close 2nd LOL. Seeing him in person on June 8th brought out the little girl in me, sitting in front of the TV watching my favorite Monkee. Tears weld in my eyes because my ultimate dream came true. I got to see a man who I've adored for 24 years...I'm certain I will again put the Monkees on the backburner for a while and focus on something else, but regardless what my next thing will be, George Michael Dolenz will never be too far from my heart and my thoughts. My Micky highlight, hearing him sing, "Since I Fell For You" live.
David Thomas Jones, December 30, 1945. Humm....I'm not sure what to say about Davy. I mean he is handsome, then and now, and umm... he was a good piece of the Monkees puzzle. VERY different from Mike, Peter or Micky, of course being English, but not only that, but he has always seemed to be the one who was "the most" out spoken of the Monkees. I never really cared for Davy that much. I'm not sure why, but it wasn't until last and this year that I started to honestly look at him and begin to like him as a person. I stopped looking at "Davy Jones" the guy on the TV series. That Davy I really didn't care much for, but the real Davy Jones, I think is really cool. My ultimate Davy highlight, hearing him sing, "Girl" live in concert.
ROBERT MICHAEL NESMITH, December 30, 1942. When I was younger, the few things I remembered about Mike was he was cute, his green woolhat and that he played the guitar. My ultimate Mike highlight, I was a bit older, I remember hearing on the radio "Rio" and the DJ said, by Michael Nesmith. Honestly I can still hear myself saying, "THE MONKEES" not realizing that Mike was no longer apart of the group. I would stay glued to the radio just to hear that song. I thought it was so beautiful and when I finally got the opportunity to download songs on the computer, that was the first song I got. He's a wonderful songwriter and a very important part of the Monkees. I do understand why he has distant himself from the whole Monkees genre, but when I was at their concert this past June I was thinking, (and it actually made me tear up) he should be standing where Peter is standing, playing the guitar singing, "Listen to the Band". Of course it's wishful thinking, but I do hope one day Mike will come back to the Monkees with wool hat in hand.
Those dimples, the shiny blond hair, and the air of innocence. He has always been the familiar Monkee to me I guess because of those qualities. Funny, I had no idea until a few years ago that he sang a few of the Monkees songs (sad huh?). He and Davy were the ones I thought were like their "characters" on the TV shows. I thought Peter was very naive. I never thought he was dumb. That's such a harsh word, but regardless, he and Davy were the ones who I didn't separate who they were on the show and off. That's not the case any more. He's intelligent, very talented, I must say, still a cutie! My ulitmate Peter highlight, when he walked out on the stage here in St. Louis and he looked down at me and brightly smiled. Those dimples are still there...ahhhh...
George Michael Dolenz Jr., March 8, 1945.
This is gonna be harder than I thought. I have never written my feelings down for this man. I have had them kept inside myself for so long... reasons that are kind of difficult for me to say, but since I was six years old, Micky Dolenz was going to be my husband. He was funny, so cute, with that wild curly hair. I thought that was all I needed in a boy (still do..LOL)...