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*~March 2004: JoJo Instudio~*

For the Story describing the event go to: March LA Trip

Crappy In Studio w/ JoJo pix:

Here is the transcript from the JoJo in studio. It's been cut short and edited in a couple places but here is an idea of what the interview was like.

Credit goes to

JOJO: Special guest in the studio Simple Plan!!
JOJO: Awhile back we were supposed to do a thing where I was going to go on tour with you guys and we had all kinds of crazy h*ll break loose at the station but I want to go do a tour with you guys or a couple of dates or something
PIERRE: Dude you can have my bunk
JOJO: What is the sleeping arrangements on the bus like anyway?
PIERRE: Its a little bunk, its like a coffin...
DAVID: Pierre can't take it anymore, he's been sleeping in the back lounge
PIERRE: ...except you're not nailed in...but you can nail...
JOJO: Is it bunks and part of it is stacked up?
PIERRE: Let me give you a quick little run through - First thing you see is a front lounge, you have a couch on each side, a table, a big screen tv. On the left side is a bathroom, really small, a little pooper. You can't poop in it, no pooping. On the right is a frig, then you pass a door and you've got the bunk area, 12 bunks, stacked up. And then you pass the last door, you get to the back and its a big sofa that goes around...
DAVID: Topless area
PIERRE: ...with a tv and some storage for toys, the Playstation
JOJO: Is there a stripper pole in there?
DAVID: Yeah we duct tape the girl to it
JOJO: Ok, not believing that one
PIERRE: We don't even have duct tape
DAVID: We don't have a stripper pole Pierre
JOJO: So does the bus say Simple Plan on the side of it?
DAVID: It says Greyhound
JOJO: Who sleeps in the 12 bunks?
PIERRE: We only use like 5 or 6 of them and the rest are for storage. Everybody has a junk bunk, you put your suitcase in one
JOJO: If I hitched a ride for a couple of days would I be in one of the bunks?
PIERRE: Or you could sleep in the front lounge, there's room for you
JOJO: I'm going to take you up on that
JOJO listener Logan from Buena Park: Are you playing a show in May?
PIERRE : I don't know if we're playing, we're trying to make a new record so looking like no but you never know. We might just be spontaneous for once
JOJO: How is the new record coming along?
SEBASTIAN: Really bad
DAVID: We're actually in the studio tomorrow
CHUCK: People ask us which direction (its going) we finally picked West
SEBASTIAN: more like NorthWest
DAVID: Eminem's going to produce it, he doesn't know it yet
JOJO: Besides hanging out, why are you guys in town? Oh the Scooby Doo 2 thing tomorrow
PIERRE: We're playing at the premiere. The Scooby Doo 2 movie is coming out and we have a song on the soundtrack, that's our new video
JOJO: I assume you guys didn't make a cameo in the movie or did you?
SEBASTIAN: You assumed right JoJo
JOJO: Why not?
PIERRE: Why don't you ask WB
CHUCK: They made sure they're playing the song at the end of the move when people walk out
PIERRE: I heard that was pretty prestigious to have it playing then though
JOJO: Give me some details on this new album. I was under the impression you guys were in the studio recording off & on, but you're not. But you're just working it through your head?
DAVID: We're not gonna lie to you, its gonna be great
JOJO: It's going in a Western direction from what I hear
PIERRE: It's going West and that's all we know right now. We're actually writing the songs right now for it and probably hit the studio in April or May
SEBASTIAN: Words we like to use when we talk about the record Great, Genius, Excellent
DAVID: Reinventing the wheel
JOJO listener Alyssa from Culver City: When is your new cd going to come out?
PIERRE: Going to be the end of the summer, like August
JOJO: What's the stupidest, strangest thing anybody has done to meet you guys?
DAVID: This girl got duct taped to a telephone pole, all the way up, it was freezing, duct taped to a pole for like 4 hours
JOJO: Did it hurt when they pulled the tape off?
DAVID: They were naked
CHUCK: (laughing) We're just adding to the story
SEBASTIAN: Let's make the story fun
PIERRE: And she was wearing one of those big sombreros
SEBASTIAN: And? there was dogs with rabies at the bottom
JOJO: And you took turns shooting at her with bb gun
DAVID: And they told her to lick the pole cause it was winter time
JOJO: And her tongue got stuck to the pool and she hung there for awhile by her tongue that was pretty bad
JOJO listener Shauntel from Garden Grove: Are you guys going to star in a movie?
PIERRE: Do you think we should be?
Shauntel: I don't know
PIERRE: Then I guess not
JOJO: They're starring in an adult movie
DAVID: No you did not say that!
PIERRE: Its called My ring is on Fire
(crowd laughing!!)
JOJO: Simple Plan, give them some love, thank you for hanging out!

(c)2004 JoJo Wright, Star Channel Media and Oasis Multimedia. All Rights Reserved.

(c)2004 Simple Plan Soldiers. All rights reserved.