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Everything goes wrong, once yet again, I fell
down to the ground, and didn't get up again.
I wish I could wake up from this terrifying
dream, I know it may be weird, but weird I may be.

And as we go, we can't fall back down, we can't
let our souls or our minds hit the ground.
We have to hold on, we have to stay strong,
things will get better as we go along.

Holding on is hard and you might have lost it
all, the days seem so long, and nights tear me apart.
How can this be real when my heart burns with
tears, this love that was so strong, seems to
In a sun covered sky, life can be so wrong, I
wished apon a star, so I can go along.
All ideas are gone, and I have nothing else left,
I've given all I had, and thought it was the
best, for me.

And as we go, we can't fall back down, we can't
let our souls or our minds hit the ground.
We have to hold on, we have to stay strong,
things will get better as we go along.

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