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Jumping to the stars, and being who we are, we
can't let them, get us down.
We may not be the same, but that's all part of
the game, we can't let them, get us down.

And so, as it goes, the next day will come, and
when it gets tough, the doors will slam shut.
But don't cut your life shorter than it's
supposed to be, and when it's over, you will
always have me.

People can be mean, make you wish it was a dream,
but there's always, tomarrow.
Everyday gets worse but there's something you
don't know, things will get better.

And so, as it goes, the next day will come, and
when it gets tough, the doors will slam shut.
But don't cut your life shorter than it's
supposed to be, and when it's over, you will
always have me.

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