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Someday I will ride in my car, and act like a
punk rock star.
I will get free tattoos and shop in the nude.
I will rock, the never ending rock.
I will be so cool, that's what I'll be.

Someday, I wil ride in my car, and act like a
punk rock star.
I will get free clothes and I will never feel so
I will get all the chicks and go to the hottest
And I will be so cool, that's what I'll be.

Now we feel so free.
No more of schools misery.
We will never wonder.
Because we know it's just another summer.

Someday I will ride in my car, and act like a
punk rock star.
I will get free tattoos and shop in the nude.
I will rock, the never ending rock.
I will be so cool, that's what I'll be.

I'm ready to be a big rockstar.
And maybe I will go so far.
I want to be on all of the magazine covers.
And maybe I'll find a lover.

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