Some ideas to make money. Submit your own.
- Car washes.
- Bake sales.
- Sell candy.
- Sell Avon.
- Hold a school dance and charge $3 admission. Colorguard members supply decorations and things like that.
- Have a womanless beauty pageant. Get band guys to be in it. Charge $3 for registration and $5 for admission to the pageant. Have a panel of judges. Offer some form of prizes to the winners.
- Hold a talent show. Charge $3 for registration to perform and $5 for admission to the show. Again, have a panel of judges and offer some form of prizes to the winners.
- Hold a fall/Halloween carnival for a nearby elementary school. Have apple bobbing, face painting, a costume contest, and other things like that. Charge $2 admission.
- Put out penny jars in local stores. (Ask permission from the manager first) Put your school's name and a pic of your guard on the jar/bucket.
- Work the concession stand at basketball games.