Some Wonderful Advice
Some great advice from the wise...
- Listen to your captain. I know you hate to, but it really does make things a LOT easier for everyone.
- Try to find something good in all guard members. Guard is a critical sport and it sometimes is hard to find anything good in anyone that is in guard, but it's possible.
- Practice every now and then in the off-season. It helps immensely.
- Name your equipment. It makes a cheery atmosphere when you treat your equipment like it has feelings, too. No, I'm NOT crazy.
- Smile! Unless you are told otherwise.
- Keep your head up and your eyes open. Judges like that for some odd reason.
- Try to jazz run as little as possible.
- Do us all a favor and wash off your makeup after performing. It will save us all some humiliation if you don't look like a clown.
- Don't EVER wear white on the field! I promise it won't be white for long if you do.
- Convince whoever makes your routines to not make anyone sit on/roll on the field. You never know when it will rain.
- Get gloves for those cold October performances. It's always nice when you can feel the pole in your hands.
- Always remember guard, you'll miss it when it's gone!