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The Roots of Oblivion and The Abyss

It may be impossible to pinpoint the exact point on my life when Oblivion came into being. That period of my life is one of those gray voids not unlike the line separating right from wrong, pleasure from pain, night from day. It obviously occured when I looked into my own abyss and there he was looking out at me,a metamorphic reaction to various external stimuli. To say that this indicates a multiple personality disorder would be certainly not true. As it were, finding comfort in a little voice inside is not completely unheard of. In the dark hours of the morning when the only company you have is your memories ( which are bound to link to unpleasant ones as events remind us of this and that ), exploring that area inside your head can be beneficial in understanding why you are what you are. Exploring your abyss can also lead you to judge whether or not your abyss is justified, whether or not it is worth clinging to. Certainly this is easier said than done, but upon closer observation of yourself, you may discover that you are able to move on and leave the remains of your regrets to fester behind you. This may, in theory, result in a sort of theraputic purging that may somehow affect your outside view of the world and how you will be able to learn from past mistakes in order to not repeat them. Therefore, any abyss can be considered Hell, or a machine of understanding depending on how it is applied.