Singles:Beautifull Alone w/ No Mecy
1) Beautifull Alone: Weiss
2) No Mercy: Weiss
3) Beautifull Alone [off vocal]
Velvet Underworld w/ The Last Supper
1) Velvet Underworld: Weiss
2) The Last Supper: Weiss
3) Velvet Underworld [off vocal]
4) The Last Supper [off vocal]
Piece of Heaven w/ Instant Karma
1) Piece of Heaven: Weiss
2) Instant Karma: Weiss
3) Piece of Heaven [off vocal]
4) Instant Karma [off vocal]
It's Too Late w/ Jeepstar
1) It's Too Late: Weiss
2) Jeepstar: Weiss
3) It's Too Late [off vocal]
4) Jeepstar [off vocal]
No Reason w/ Mellow Candle
1) No Reason: Weiss
2) Mellow Candle: Weiss
3) No Reason [off vocal]
4) Mellow Candle [off vocal]