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User Agreement for 100 W. Rich Avenue

This agreement is made between_____________________________________________
Of________________________________________________organization located at the following address of____________________________________________________and telephone number_________________________________and First Presbyterian Church, DeLand, Florida.
First Presbyterian Church agrees to allow use of the Upper Room facilities located at 100 W. Rich Avenue, DeLand, Florida for the specific purpose of______________________
_____________________and on the following date/s and time/s____________________
_____________________with the following terms.

1. Minimum user fee will be no less that $50.00 per month for one full day or two half days per month. A half day consists of 1-4 hours. Each additional half-day use requires $25.00 and each additional full day use requires $50.00.

2. Insurance coverage is the responsibility of the above specified user. The above specified user must provide First Presbyterian a certificate of insurance prior to access of facilities. Insurance policy requirements must be met to authorize this agreement.

3. The above specified user will be responsible for cleaning and maintaining the facility after each use to its proper condition. This means sweeping/vacuuming, scrubbing sinks/toilets, wiping down tables, etc.

4. One key will be provided to above specified user. No duplicates are to be made.

5. In the event of an emergency, please contact the landlord, Scott Price. He can be reached at (386) 740-8611. Any other concerns can be reported to the Upper Room coordinator Evan Keller at (386) 734-1483 or to First Presbyterian Church (386)734-6212.

6. This user agreement is strictly on a month-to-month basis. If either party wishes to cancel this agreement it must be submitted in writing 15 days prior to dissolution/eviction. Not adhering to any of the above numbered items is cause for termination of this agreement.

I agree to these terms:________________________________________________

Upper Room Coordinator

Property Committee Moderator

Signed before me this________day of_________________in the year of_______
The above have shown of their identification as noted under their signature. My commission expires June 3, 2005.

Diane E. Ditslear, Notary Public