Kel ")

Nickname: Kel ")

Hometown: Fleetwood, PA

Fan since: February 22, 2003

Birthdate: February 4th

Partners in Crime: my twin; L

Most memorableShow: I'm a new fan, so far all have been fantastic, but none have stuck out. I guess I'll just have to keep going...

Favorite Songs UUU Plays: Talk Dirty to Me; I Wanna be Sedated; She F*%$#@ Hates Me; So many more!

Farthest Place You Have Traveled to See UUU: Montana West

Favorite Placeto See UUU: Croc Rock

Most Interesting Thing that Happened to/from a UUU Show: Nothing spectacular has happened on the way to, but I'm always catatonic going home after all the shows! Hey, its hard staying until the end of the show, driving home and then getting up at 7AM for work! Speaking of which, I think I need a nap...

Strangest Thing That Happened to You At a Show: Sorry, there isn't much that is strange to me!

Number of Trips On Stage: Too many! What can I say? Its soooo hard to say no to Doug!

Favorite Show Antic: Definately the toilet paper

Why do you Stay a Loyal UUU fan: They put on a fantastic show, EVERY time and I know I'll have a blast! Their energy just makes everyone want to get up and dance and sing along!

Quotes: "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."