SU Bassoon Chick

Hometown: Allentown, PA

Fan since: 2001

Birthdate: November 5, 1983

Partners in Crime: Tosha!!

Most Memorable Show: SU Spring Weekend 2003...
There is nothing quite like jump roping Doug's mic chord, while he's singing!

Favorite Songs: Cecilia, Jessie's Girl, The Middle

Number of States: 2

Farthest Place You Have Gone To See UUU: NJ

Favorite Place To See UUU: Susquehanna University

Least Favorite PlaceTo See UUU: Crocodile Rock

Strangest Thing That Happened to You at a Show: jump rope with Doug's mic chord

How Many Times Onstage? Where? 2 at SU

Favorite Show Antic: Jason's Snoopy Dance

Funniest Thing You Saw Done by a Member of UUU:: Jason taking Doug's guitar to the top of the dirt pile at SU

Why Do You Stay a Loyal UUU Fan? They do the best covers, and they are SO energetic!! How could you not be loyal?