
Nickname: Scorpio

Hometown: Philadelphia

Birthday (optional): Nov 6

UUU fan since: Nov 2000

Partners: I do enough damage by myself

Most Memorable UUU show (explain why): First time I saw these guys at Brownies 23 East. From here the Scorp everyone knows and loves was created.

Favorite Song (s) UUU plays: Enter SAndman, Oh What a Night, anything by Lit, Run DMC, and the list goes on

Number of States Visited to see UUU (excluding Home State): 0

Farthest City/Club you have gone to just to see UUU: Whistles, in Scranton

Favorite Place to see UUU: Anywhere I get to see them, is a good place

Least Favorite Place to see UUU: Silo, in Reading

Most interesting thing that happened while traveling TO or FROM a UUU show: Driving home from the Lakeside one rainy night, the Turnpike was treating we well. A rock from the slope from one of the hills in that area rolls down and I end up hitting it. Didn't get home till about four hours later and I had to get to work that morning.

Strangest thing that ever happened to you while AT a UUU show: Nothing, I just write about what everybody else does.

How many shows did you attend before you made it up on stage? 1, at a club/bar in Harrisburg.

How many times did you make it on stage altogether? 1

Favorite Show Antic: Toilet paper and confetti

Funniest thing you ever saw done on stage by a member of UUU: I plead the fifth.

Why do you stay a loyal UUU Fan? What can I say, they accept me for who I am. And are always glad to see me, scream my name, tell the bar I am buying a round when I travel to an out of the way place and make fun of the way I dress sometimes all with a smile. Now, that tells you about a band.

Favorite Quotes:

There is no dedication without sacrifice, no sacrifice without
pain, and those that can overcome pain achieve success. - Mine

I am way too sober for this. - Said at a hotel room at the Clarion

Falling rock signs need to be taken seriously.

Deer - nature's way of saying you might be going too fast.