Tornam Da' Man

Hometown: Scranton, Pennsylvania OH WHAT A KNIGHT!!!!!!

UUU fan since: FOREVER

Your Partner(s) in Crime: Mr. Chandler Coyne

Most Memorable UUU show (explain why): November show at Crowbar OHHH and dont forget TINK's SCRANTON REPRESENT'n!!!

Favorite Song (s) UUU plays: I like all the tunes!

Number of States Visited to see UUU (excluding Home State): 1

Farthest City/Club you have gone to just to see UUU: Korea (?)

Favorite Place to see UUU: Tink's

Least Favorite Place: Crocodile Rock

Strangest thing that ever happened to you while AT a UUU show: Me and Guido did a shot together and I didnt even get asked to go on stage!!! BOWHO!!! I even bought the shot MAN!!!

How many times did you make it on stage altogether? 0,see above answer

Favorite Show Antics: handcuffs, duck tape..enough said!

Why do you stay a loyal UUU Fan? I have to give props to my Scranton fella's HOLLA!!!

Comment: Guido your DA MAN!