Batchick's Thoughts


Words or Phrases I Like and/or Use A Lot:
~Turkey Gravy (thanks Ben)
~Buttermilk (thanks Ben)

One Double D friend is all I can handle - Carlee

Thanks UUU for getting me hooked on Myspace.

"I'll have a pair of my pants delivered so you can try to get into them on your own time." -Boston Public

If I am ever caught misbehaving it's because I am channelling Jackie again and cannot be held responsible for my actions.

Bock Bock Bock.....Vroooommmmm!

I need sleep...not just a little....a whole lot.

If Jason is the male that scares away women then I must be the female that scares away men.

Words or Phrases I Like and/or Use A Lot:
Good Grief!

Apparently I am 80% mean, 19.9% Blonde, and .1% Nice

If I don't answer the cell phone on the first five calls you make to me I am either:
A. Doing something REALLY FUN and NAUGHTY. **wink, wink**
B. I am driving.
C. I am "attempting" to get some much needed Sleep

"You bet your ASSpercream!" - Jackie

Yoda (Jackie's Cat) needs a GPS tracking system.

Carlee is an excellent lost cat finder.

Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?

The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.

You should not confuse your career with your life.

You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.

I will never get tired of watching Space Shuttle launches.

Jason IS must fear him.

There are two songs I am tired of hearing on the radio: "Don't cha" - Pussycat Dolls and "Don't Funk with My Heart" - Black Eyed Peas. Now we need to play them twice an hour???? Enough already.

I have seen Sue dance.

I think that this year UUU should show up to the Christmas in August show as Misfit Toys.

There is nothing like six adults playing Marco Polo in a pool at night.

Pool tubes are not meant to be used to launch water across a backyard. ESPECIALLY when they are aimed at me, BEN!!!!

"If I had $1,000,000
(If I had $1,000,000)
I'd buy you a monkey
(Haven't you always wanted a monKEY?)"-Barenaked Ladies

Sometimes work is more like being on an episode of Seinfeld....without the high paying salary.

It's Offical...I'm the Charlotte of my "Sex and the City" pals.

Words or phrases I dislike:
Al Queda

Why is it that PennDot always tears up all the roads that you need to get somewhere at the same time?

I'm just a Deeper Shade of Pale

"....I want to be an Airborne Ranger, I want to live the life of danger....."

Team America....proof that some people get paid way too much money for absolutely worthless crap.

"Never try to catch a platypus when you scream like a pussywillow" - August 6, 2005

Ben is now my hero - big thanks for the ride on the motorcycle - even if ya did try and scare me to death 5 or 6 times!!!

It's amazing who you run into in a dark movie theatre! BTW...Those OOOMPAHS were SCARY!!!

Common Phrases Heard AT Work: "I have had enough fun for one day"; "I must be living wrong"; "Oopsies"

FYI to all....I'm evil!

Just because someone does something for you doesn't mean they can come back and demand that you return the favor. When something is done out of "kindness" it should never be used as leverage at any point. Do it out of the goodness of your heart or NOT AT ALL

One good thing that came out of my broken engagement is that I have a firm grasp on what I don't want. I wouldn't take any of it back. I have moved on and will always be grateful for I learned from it. No regrets!

I earned this job...and no one can tell me different.

I will go where I want, when I want, and will sit anywhere I want.

Congrats to my college bud Angela and her man Patrick on their upcoming marriage this August!

"Stick a fork in me....I'm Done!"

All my pals are in happy relationships...It's annoying as hell.

Thanks to my car there is one less Robin flying about in the world. RIP!

I hereby declare this as a LMTFA Week (Thanks go to Jason for that Acronym)

I am starting to think I am living in Bizarroworld.

Jason really needs to write a book.

Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart. - Confucius

When I was younger my sister used to kid that I was adopted. I am starting to think that it's true.

Batman Begins - June 15 - Yes I will be there!

Working FT, a second job at the ice cream dump on the weekends, & taking a class. Yet, somehow I will manage to get out to shows this summer.

Isn't technology great - finally get our new GB in good shape and some smuck hacks it.

OH bla goes on....

Why is it that everyone calls me on my cell at the same time?

To Batchick: Hey, how old is Jason? Do you know?
Batchick: Ummmm
To Batchick: He's in his 20's right?
Batchick: Sort Of
To Batchick: 25? 26?
Batchick: Uh....Higher
To Batchick: He's 28!?!?
Batchick: Yep. he's 28. Definitely 28. (Nodding her head VERY covincingly too)
To Batchick: Wow, he's hot for 28.
Batchick: Umm...(Thinking to herself: "Jason - you so owe me")

"Carlee, your kid is running around like a freak! - Anonymous member of UUU

"I'm my own crown of thorns..." - Hope Floats

Jackie = Satan

It was Gi-normous!

I finally have my own car - so now all I need is a new UUU sticker!

Okay guys, when you say you "just want to be friends" this means you give up any right to call after midnight and before 9 am, to stop by at will to get "hugs" for no reason, or to tell someone what car they should or shouldn't buy.

Sometimes I wish I was meaner.

I am now the adopted aunt of at least three children. Christmas is going to be VERY expensive next year.

The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver. -Leno

Everytime I plan to go to an outdoor UUU show it decides to rain. So, if I got to an indoor UUU show will it rain on the inside?

"Change your thoughts and you change your world." - Norman Vincent Peale

"Life is like a hot bath. It feels good while you're in it, but the longer you stay, the more wrinkled you get."-Garfield

Confuscious Say, "It is easier to make holes in ones finger than in ones belt."

Snow sucks!

I fought the mountain. The mountain won.

Hold up, wait a minute, they're gonna get your call in a minute.....

Common workplace phrase: Sugar Plum, Stinkpot

I admit it, I am hooked on watching American Idol.

Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it. ~Ellen DeGeneres

Weather forcast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning. ~George Carlin

The roses, the lovely notes, the dining and dancing are all welcome and splendid. But when the Godiva is gone, the gift of real love is having someone who'll go the distance with you. Someone who, when the wedding day limo breaks down, is willing to share a seat on the bus. ~Oprah Winfrey

Batchick's 2005 Resolution - To learn when and how to say NO!

Batchick recommends a dose of The Futch to cure all your winter blues! www.dougmackiecom :-)

1.) There are two sides to every story 2.) The story you're hearing is most likely exaggerated.

Gossip needn't be false to be evil - there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around. ~Frank A. Clark

There is a very good reason why they always say "Don't shoot the messenger...."

Batchick makes pie, Batchick pulls pie out of fridge, Batchick drops pie all over floor.

Migraines....all the trappings of a hangover without all the drunken fun the night before.

Sue's Birthday 2004 - Sue gets drunk - Sue dances...mission accomplished!

My name is Batchick and I approve this message....


Speaking the John Kerry camp - I took care of that campaign sign across the street for ya - right Sue? (wink, wink)

I expected to get engaged, get married, and live happily ever after....and then I remembered.....this is ME we're talking about.

"He's in love? Whose the lucky sock puppet? - King of the Jungle

I hate lawn gnomes.

"I don't care if you hate me, I've got a 110 brothers and sister who'll kick your sorry ass." - King of the Jungle - the Drill Sergeant bunny

"I don't want to eat her...I just think of her as a friend" - King of the Jungle

I think this is a Caramel Swirl Latte moment if I ever saw one.

A billion dollar cat toy industry and my kitten Sable only plays with ponytail holders.

Puss-in-Boots: I am puss... In boots...
cough - hack - cough
Puss-in-Boots: Hairball... - Shrek 2

Dare to fear... Puss In Boots. - Shrek 2

after drinking a beauty potion
Donkey: I don't *feel* any different. Do I look any different?
Puss-in-Boots: You still look like an ass to me!
- Shrek 2

Puss-in-Boots: Pray for mercy from Puss... in boots. - Shrek 2

Donkey: Pray for mercy, from Puss!
Puss-in-Boots: And Donkey! -Shrek 2

Obviously I loved Shrek 2...can ya tell?

Hey Sue the following quote is just for you....

"I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waste
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung....." - Baby Got Back, Sir Mix-A-Lot (funny he didn't mix a whole lot after that, did he?)

It's all over but the crying, the flailing of limbs, and the throwing of breakable objects.

Whoever told Britney Spears it would be a great idea to remake Bobbi Brown's "My Perogative" should receive a swift smack upside the head.

30 is not as bad as I thought it was going to be.


Is it possible to have a "Un-Bachelorette Party"???? If so, I want one.

I cannot live without my cell phone.

I want to hear a Duran Duran song at a UUU show someday.

I long for another UUU costume night. Those were awesome.

Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear.
And I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear take the wheel and steer.
It's driven me before, and it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal.
But lately I am beginning to find out that I should be the one behind the wheel.

Eat, Drink, and Be IRISH!

I am NOT a perfectionist - but I do like to know what I am doing ahead of time. Last minute changes in plans drive me NUTS!

Some people's trash needs to be sent to the dump. It's stinking up the joint.

Oh wait - it already was sent to the dump - my mistake.

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. ~A. Whitney Brown

You don't have to suffer to be a poet; adolescence is enough suffering for anyone. ~John Ciardi

Just because I don't get to as many UUU shows as I want doesn't mean I don't love the band anymore. Just means that life just keeps getting in my way.

Thanks to countless email surveys my friends now know me inside and out. So why do I still keep filling them out????

The trouble with the rat race is even if you win you're still a rat. ~Lily Tomlin

I suck at Air Hockey.

Contrary to popular belief I am not always wrong.

I am not looking forward to turning 30.

Ft. Lauderdale is over-rated.

The beach is not always sunnier on the other side of the road.

We need more Leis!!!

The Cathy comic strip is now my favorite.

I know how many licks it takes Sue - and I'm not talking.

"It is amazing how someone so tiny can be so annoying."

Clean soul? My cats' litter boxes are cleaner than that.

To every jackass there is an equally dumb rider.

"I AM the Last Samurai !!!"

Sue should not be allowed to dream. Sleep, yes. Dream, no.

Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'
~Erich Fromm

"Realize always that you are capable of reaching difficult goals and exceeding them, of dreaming wonderful dreams and making them come true, of achieving the only kind of success that really matters: that of being at peace with yourself and with the world around you."
- Edward Cunningham

On October 11, 2003 my cousin Ray died from AIDS. He had turned 35 three days before his death. One week later, my friend Debbie past away from breast cancer. I loved them both and will miss them tremendously.

Debbie, thanks for bringing me and Rob together. I know you played a part in that. I guess you knew I needed someone to make me laugh.

Only one person knows what I mean when I say I am not disappointed in them anymore. Thanks for giving me time....and for being a friend.

I have learned that some things are just out of my control and that there is only so much I can do on my own. year ago we ran into each at a UUU show....and things were never the same. Thanks for being a great friend.

Jenny, Shannon, Trish, Aimee, and Christine....the GREATEST bunch of chics EVER!!!!!

Sue, can't wait till that BABY gets here. :-)

I HATE Snow...and Winter.

I want more UUU shows in NEPA!

According to Webster's.....FIDELITY implies strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty. LOYALTY implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray. Just thought I would pass that info along.

I will never again use the term "best friend" because they never end up really being that.

I don't understand how someone can think a hand shake and/or a kiss on the cheek can undo 9 months of silence and anger without ever once actually TALKING to you.

There are some people that can lie so well that you WANT to believe them.

Believing a lie is one thing...believeing it without question is another.

You can't always be right and you can't always win.

Be friends with someone because you want to, not because you feel obligated to.

Change is good.

You have to see a "car race" between Sue and Carlee. Makes getting to Heil's more interesting.

I don't take betrayal well. I don't EVER forget it.

Real friends are very special, but you have to be careful because sometimes you have a friend and you think they are made of rock, then suddenly you realize they're only made of sand. It's a terrible thing to go through life thinking that you have a rock on your side when you haven't. ~Maria Callas

Things ALWAYS come back to you in the end.

Karma is a BITCH!

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
~John F. Kennedy

Lying is done with words and also with silence. ~Adrienne Rich