Little Ol' Me

Hometown: Allentown, PA

Birthday (optional): 12/27/78

UUU fan since: Sept 2000

Your Partner (s) in Crime": My Best Friend!!!

Most Memorable UUU show (explain why): September 3, 2000... That was the first
night I worked up enough nerve to go and get up on stage, and I have been up
there ever since... 

Favorite Song (s) UUU plays: Pour Some Sugar One Me, and Talk Dirty TO Me...

Number of States Visited to see UUU (excluding Home State): 1 - New Jersey

Farthest City/Club you have gone to just to see UUU: The Junkyard in NJ

Favorite Place to see UUU: Crocodile Rocks

Least Favorite Place to see UUU: The Sterling Hotel

Most interesting thing that happened while traveling TO or FROM a UUU show: I
got pulled over for speeding (the first and only time that has ever happened). I started to pout. The cop let me go....

Strangest thing that ever happened to you while AT a UUU show: I met the man that I wound up falling in love with....(if that's strange)

Best Road Trip: To the woodlands!!!!

Worst Road Trip: To the Junkyard (I didn't think it was that far away from me)

How many shows did you attend before you made it up on stage? Where were you?
I got up on stage the first time I saw them, it was when Banana Joe's was still Jillian's...

How many times did you make it on stage altogether? To many to count..

Funniest thing you ever saw done on stage by a member of UUU: Pete doing a
shot and it must of been bad, cause when he was done by the look on his face
I thought he was gonna puke!!!!

Why do you stay a loyal UUU Fan? Cause I know whenever I go to see them I
will always have a great time...

Favorite Quote: (Doesn't have to be UUU related): Are you wearing any
underwear under there??..(it's a long story...hee hee)

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