Trooper K

Hometown: Whitehall, PA

Birthday (optional): January 15

UUU fan since: 1995

Your "Partner (s) in Crime": Trooper Sharon

Most Memorable UUU show (explain why): My birthday at Brownies, Ardmore, UUU always makes your birthday a special time. I met a lot of new people that night and partied on stage the whole night, from what I remember anyway. 

Favorite Song UUU plays: Oh What A Night

Number of States Visited to see UUU (excluding Home State): 4

Farthest City/Club you have gone to just to see UUU:  Banana Joes, Pittsburgh

Favorite Place to see UUU: Shorty's, Kutztown and Banana Joes, Allentown 

Least Favorite Place to see UUU: Crowbar
Most interesting thing that happened while traveling TO or FROM a UUU show:The first time we traveled to a UUU show, we made it to the club, The Junkyard at 1:30 am after driving around for 3 hours trying to find the place, we made it for 3 songs. When we entered the club, Peter graciously said, "Our friends from Allentown just came in!", and handed us shots. We definitely need them. That was the start of our UUU adventures and we still keep coming back for more.

Strangest thing that ever happened to you while AT a UUU show: I fell on my face going up on stage at Banana Joes, Allentown and lost my shoe, I could not do this in another state, of course, I had to do it in my hometown. 

Best Road Trip: Shakeys, Hershey
Worst Road Trip: Banana Joes, Pittsburgh
How many shows did you attend before you made it up on stage? Where were you? 2- Caseys

How many times did you make it on stage altogether? Lost count

Funniest thing you ever saw done on stage by a member of UUU: It is always funny when the guys start wrestling with each other on stage.

Why do you stay a loyal UUU Fan? They are very appreciative of their fans and we always have a great time, we have met many great people at UUU shows and we know no matter what it is always a great time. 

Favorite Quote: (Doesn't have to be UUU related): Good things come to those who wait!

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