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We are the Syndicates Ver 2.0

JUST ADDED: Bonnaroo 2004

Well folks this is try #2 at this whole website thing. Angelfire downgraded my space and cut out some of the content of my last website. My first website is still available, with pics from pre-July 2002, at the link at the bottom of the page. But this website and photographs are still done by myself, Charlie Watson, and it is still dedicated to Acoustic Syndicate and all of their wonderful fans, I love all of you guys. I will try to continue to update pics from AS shows, friends of AS, and any other pics or info I may have. I hope you guys enjoy, if you need to get ahold of me you can email me at or, but I check the first one more often...Hope to see ya'll soon.

Last Updated on 1/23/03.

Live show CD covers

Pics of 2002

Pics from 1/3/03 to 6/6/03

Syndicate Halloween Masquerade Ball, Ziggys 10/31/03

Syndicate Thanksgiving Homecoming Weekend 11/28-29

NYE at the Emerald Lounge, Jeremy Saunders Band and BDBB

Cat's Cradle 1/17/04

Bonnaroo 2004

The sites to open your mind

My first webpage: pics are pre July 2002
AS website
Larry Keel
Snake Oil Medicine Show