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10/16/04 - With the exception of one or two essential pieces missing from the studio, I have not been idle. Tracks are being "cleaned up" on the 8 track, and more material is being written. As far as instrumental tracks go, it's actually about 75% done. Since I only have the one show with MFTT, nothing is getting in the way of me finishing this.

9/3/04 - I have finally realized that almost all of my music career has been that of either a hired gun, or the "final piece" to someone else's expression. There was a time where this was all I wanted, and it worked out..............sometimes. A week ago, I pondered this for about 2 hours (I was stuck in traffic and had no cell phone reception), and I realized that I want my own ladder to build and climb. It was at this moment that I decided with exception of the occasional gig with Money For The Toll, Transient will be my priority, and I will NOT be taking on any other projects until this album is completed. Because I have a very uncompromising veiw that if someone says they are to do something, then that person should follow through with his/her word, unless there is a good COMMUNICATED reason why he/she can't. I hope and expect that everyone that reads will hold me to this.

7/28/04 - I know, I know............I have neglected this for way too long. Now that lives are in order and settled, I have decided to take a break from live playing. After conferring with my wife, I have decided to cut my personal vacation a little short and finish what was started. The way I'm thinking right now, unless the money is REALLY good, I'm not budging until this is done. Once again we are stuck without a name, so don't be surprised if everything is recorded and a release has to wait because we can't find a name that we are happy with that isn't taken.

