Laurel's Story

Current Mood: giddy

Current Music: "Gone Wrong" - You Call That ART? : in my head. ;)

your hooks are deep in me now

won't you come out and play?

this is my midnight serenade

Well!! Where to begin??

I met Natalie infront of the Chinese restaurant around 7 or so. We waited outside for like 12 minutes (I'm turning into my father) until we saw Melanie's car drive by...*L* It was covered in like green shoe polish or something with "You Call That ART?" and various question marks drawn all over it. What a riot. :)

Well then like 10 minutes later they had found a place to park and we ate dinner. Then Donna and her daughters made it to the restaurant about 10 minutes after we did. Well I didn't cause I had eaten my weight in pizza (well not really) for my dad's birthday thingy. SO (this is a new addition as Mel pointed out I missed some stuff) while we were eating dinner, Matt keeps randomly waving to people outside the window. Well then like people were just looking out the window - and John (lead guitar) walks by!! So then we start pointing and gasping and he sees us, makes a silly face, and presses himself up on the glass. *LOL* What a riot! :D

Well I started to feel nauseous - what's new. I guess I get stomach sicky feeling a lot...oh well. But then Melanie, Natalie, Rochelle, and Matt decided to recreate the scene of the YCTA? video where they run to the Aggie Theatre. Well I can't let them have all the fun. So I ran. And I quickly learned why I was never in track. :P You'd think that with the massive strides I might be able to do a short distance well. Well I blame my stomachness. *LOL* So we got there...and I hunched over a random trash can for a few. Kept it down though - go me.

Mel and Rochelle had made us all these cool necklace we got to wear those into the show and then they made an extra one for Ben (the drummer)...which they thought Natalie should present him with..:D

Well we got in there and still had like at least 45 minutes before Battery Park (aka the warm up band) started. Doo doo doo.

(side note) Give a boy a bass guitar and I will drool. It is now a proven fact. Can't be older than like 22 though..or else it loses all appeal. *LOL*

Well Battery Park was alright...actually not all that bad. But then it was time for YCTA? and we were pumped up!

Jake ended up getting to the concert while the bands were swapping out sets and whatnot, so he didn't miss any of it. Unfortunately for him, he has to get up at like 6 tomorrow cause he has to work early. Needless to say, he only stayed for the first set.

But anyway, it ruled as usual!! Got to hear one completely new song - "Goldfish For A Day" about a girl who treats her dude like a pet. Funny stuff. :) And of course, a little "Gone Wrong" action...:D

See "Gone Wrong" starts off all slow and mellow, so when it starts, Mel and I go crazy, cause we love it. And like no one else gets it...and the band always laughs at our craziness too..or at least Matt (bass player) does. He always laughs at us. But anyway...the first verse is sung and then it kicks into super cool hard core funness. :) But it rules...

So yeah, the show rocked!!! Lots of energy, lots of people dancing...some "Happy Together" even...My foot kept cramping up, so that kinda sucked. Last time I wear like strappy platform sandals before the concert. :P

OH!! And I got to give Sven (lead singer dude) a dollar bill for the dollar bill song. There is a song where like everyone pulls out a dollar bill and waves it. OK quit laughing now, but it's fun. Well anyway, Sven always asks for someone in the audience to give him a dollar bill - and tonight I was quick enough that he took my dollar bill. Sweetness.

AND I got a new YCTA? sticker for my's bright orange and it rocks as well.

But I'm tired, and I feel like nasty concert and I'm sure I smell like nasty I shall be off. :)

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