
(July, 7 2001)

We went to find the Mishawakawa place to buy tickets and to know where exactly it was so we could find it in the dark. So we had three sets of reliable internet directions, some from excite, snap, and mapquest. Two sets were very similar and one was different. So we were going to Mulberry in Fort Collins and then to Lemay through Linclon and up to Poudre River. So we get to Lemay and POW! a road construction sign says Lemay closed to Lincoln and Poudre River. That was very nice!!

Then we decided to follow the other directions. We got back on the highway and drove for a little while and then got off where the directions said. We found a lake that I really liked, I love this lake. And we followed the directions and poof! There we were in a residential area and that's where the directions stopped. That was just great.

So then we had to improvise, using the map printed from the computer and our own crappy senses of direction. So we tried to find Highway 1 to take us to 13 and then to 287 or something to get us to 14. Yeah, sounds fun doesn't it? So then we end up on Country Road 17 and Sheilds and 287, I don't know how we got to a crossroads of three, but we did. So we decided to stop at this gas station to get a map. I had gotten good at driving places I had never been by looking at maps when we were in California. But this lame ass gas station didn't have any maps. Twits! But then they told us where we needed to go.

We needed to hit 287 north to get to 14 west. The also said that we would see a huge Connoco station where we were supposed to turn right onto 14. So we thought we got to the right place but there was no Connoco station, but we went anyway. Then we finally got to the Connoco station and were totally estatic!! ^_^!! Then we were driving up this road and there was a cattle guard. And then there was a river, which was good because we were in the mountains at this time and in a canyon and the river ment that we were close. ^_^!! YEA!!!

But then, we were in the middle of no where. AGH! Then we saw a information thingy and we stopped but there wasn't anything about Mishakawa. So back down the mountain we went. We stopped at the Connoco Station and guess what! On the window was an advertisement for Mishawakawa.!!


So we went in to see if they had any maps just in case, and they did. So back up the mountain we go. Woo-hoo. Soon we see these signs and by now we are so happy!!!

But the place is small. With us being the big thinkers that we are, we thought that the real place was up further. As it turned out there wasn't but there was this AMAZING tunnel! It is so cool, indescribable in written terms because I don't have that large of a vocabulary. So for the second time, we head back down the mountain. We stop at the place and ask for tickets. Silly people don't have any! The place where the show is at doesn't have any tickets. ^_^! Jeeze! So the nice lady calls a few places and no place in Fort Collins would have the tickets until the next day! She also said that we could get them at the door for 5 bucks, so it works!

On the table and on the walls they had posters advertising You Call That Art?, so I took one!! heehee!! And now I can't wait!! AGH!!!!! I am going to pop!!!

Post Show Story...

This sound system was rocking! We were told the night before at the Magnus that this system was so much better, it was. It was the best place! It was outside and rocking! But I already said it was rocking so let's see if I can come up with another suitable adjective! It was outside along the river. It was kind of rainy and we were worried for a while that it would start to pour! The band that was to open didn't start until an hour after they were supposed to. So we sat at a table and made some interesting conversation. Including being a “raver,” and how Matt can whistle in the back of his throat, you know like the ocean.

The opening band was Bring. A punk band who had just recruited Ben as their drummer. It was interesting listening to them and trying to determine if some were related and who was the real slim shaddy. I guess our brains just aren't big enough to enjoy the music, or maybe they're too big to just enjoy the music, who knows. Anyway it was raining sprinkle drops the entire time! Matt tried to hide under the table because he gave Rochelle his coat thing. Laurel was the only one prepared for the weather. But as soon as You Call That Art? got on stage poof went the rain. But the lightning stuck around. John was afraid of holding his “lightning rod” guitar. Sven issued a flash flood warning and told everyone that in case of a flood to get up on stage.

I still cant get over the magnitude of the sound system. It was the best I've heard for a while. John and Sven’s voices just blended perfectly! Although the sound was incredible, the people were a tad strange! The guy who stood next to Laurel didn't move a muscle. There we are, the four of us dancing around and flinging our hair everywhere and here is this kid standing there with his arms crossed and glued to the same spot. Not only did the poor kid get hit with Laurel's hair but he probably got stepped on and nudged as well. But this is the worst part. He was wearing EAR PLUGS! I can understand and agree with the bands wearing ear plugs, but the people in the audience? I mean come on! At least go stand in the back and not the front. ^_^! We saw them twice in two nights and we didn't need ear plugs!!

I saw Tara and Joe. But I didn't say anything. Although it was one of those weird moments that you look at someone and they look at you and you know that you know them and they think they know you, but they aren't too sure.

We almost forgot to give Sven something for his pockets! Luckily I had a little screw driver on my keychain from one of those Tech Deck Bike things. So we gave it to Sven after the show and told him that all beneficial sleep happens before 1am. He was amazed at how little the screw driver was, that it was smaller than the ones used on eyeglasses.

The end.

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