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Art Museum

This was a big horse statue that we saw in the Eskimo part. I was intuiged by the carivings on it. It's hard to see them in this photo though.

I liked this painting. So did Rochelle. We gawked at it for quite some time.

These were pictures of this monkey looking guy. He is a diety from Tibetian relgion if I remember correctly!

This was a taken out of one of the oddly placed windows. I think it was on the third floor? I don't remember, but it looked very neat, and it was fun to look down too.

This has got to be one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen close up. The desgin on this bottle is really on the inside. Someone painted it all those colors from the inside. They used either a single hair or a sharpened stick. Isn't that amazing?

This is a painting by one of my favorite artists, Alesandro Botticelli. By no means is this one of his best works, actually I don't like it, but it's still a painting that our museum had by my favortie artist!!! I did a huge project on this painter once. He was very ingelligent and the project got me a very good grade, yay!

This is also one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen close up! The whole thing is made of sand! People thought that making these mandalas was a way of meditating. It must have been tedious work. I don't know how they didn't accidentaly mix the colors up!

I don't know how to explain this one. But there is Natalie, Rochelle, and I all imitating the three girls in the painting. Natalie is the tallest of the three of us! Isn't that nuts?

This statue caught my eye because when I first looked at it it seemed as if the outside waving arms were actually in a position that matched the cross-legged postition that Buddisht's teach for meditation. It was a peculiar thing indeed.

And that is it for the art museum part!

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