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KGNU, The Story

Here's the situation: Our band, our beloved band You Call That ART? isn't playing very many shows. The one that they are actually playing is an on air radio concert in Boulder! Sure, we can listen to it streaming online, but how fun is that not? Since we have among us, a very brave girl who will call anyone to ask the silliest questions like, "Do you let fans come see the bands play in the studio?" we had reason to be excited! Natalie Pinkerton had called the radio station down in Boulder and asked them if fans were permissible. Guess what, they were, but it had to be okie dokie with the band. Under Melanie's great distress, we (Natalie, Laurel, and hesitant Melanie) wrote Dear John (hahaha - no pun!!) a lovely letter asking if we could boost morale of our beloved band and sit in the studio... Sire John said sure, as long as it was OK with the radio station! Well! Guess what!! IT WAS!! WE GOT TO GO! There was room for 6 people!!! AGH! Such a dilemma!! Who got to go!!?? Such a puzzle.
Well, it was decided that Natalie, Laurel, Rochelle, and Melanie got to go but then there was a Chris, a Donna, a Matt, and possibly some other choices. I won't delve into details about why people couldn't come, because some of them who didn't go didn't even know where we were and didn't listen online. :( But that's ok!! ^_^! So in the end, it was Melanie, Chris, Natalie, Rochelle, Donna, and Laurel!! YAY!! We were told to be at the studio on time, which was at 7pm! Laurel had work or something until 5! We weren't sure how easy this place was going to be to find so we wanted to make certain that we had enough time!! So we thought we should leave around 4:30, but Laurel couldn't! Laurel was going to bring Natalie with her while I brought Rochelle and Chris with me. Well, Natalie didn't want to be late, and then Chris had to get some pay check that the people hadn't given him the day prior so he wouldn't be able to leave with Rochelle and I. So Natalie convinced her mom to drive her to IHOP (scary) in Loveland Outlet Mall vicinity where Rochelle and I would meet her and continue on our path to Boulder.
Now Donna, who was going to meet us at the radio station, had previously bought us shirts with question marks on them from Old Navy. The only thing was that they were really small shirts! Rochelle's cut off the circulation to her shoulders! So that Saturday before KGNU, Rochelle and I had decided we needed ramifications. We cut the shoulders off and then safety-pined them back on and cut up the sides, punched holes in the two sides resulting from the cut and looped leather cord through it. I thought it looked great! We were all going to wear our matching Question Mark Shirts to KGNU! It was going to ROCK! Well, Rochelle didn't like her cut-off-saftey-pinned-back-on-sholders so she wore a different shirt. It was a question marked one, but not the same color!! But it would have to work...
When we found the radio station, there were two ART? baby-blue-woodpanneled-white-walled vans!! Of course one was theirs and we saw Sven walking around inside. So we got out to look around! THEN! Sven saw us and we ran back to the car. We were going to find food and a bathroom (hummmm I see a reoccurring theme here...). Well we found some mall, Crossroads I think. We found a potty facility and then some food. As we were leaving we saw an Old Navy!! WOW! We couldn't believe it! Since we all wanted to match with our shirts and all, we decided we could go look for the shirts! So we walk in, Rochelle and Natalie wearing their shirts (I had had classes all day and had my shirt in the trunk), looking for the shirts! Well, we found them! They had TWO!!! And they were both Larges!! Such MARVELOUS luck!! So the two girls wearing the shirts, bought more. Talk about crazy! So then we all cleverly changed in the car! (marching band teaches great skills)
We were off back to the radio station! YAY!! When we get there and get out of the car and walk to the entrance, we see BEN! Who says, "Oh My Goodness." (poor ben, anything he says becomes engraved in memories and then used to his own detriment later while he isn't around to defend himself. but it's fun, kind of like giggles ^_^ )
So we walk in to the radio station, Natalie is jealous because she thinks that Ben is talking to a girl on the phone outside. But there is a couch near the door and since we are still waiting for Laurel, Chris, and Donna we decide to wait there. So we are waiting and Ben comes back in and we talk to Sven and hear some AWESOME furste and lightner guitar action! (wow!)
Then, this really nice lady asks us if we're with the band, and we respond sheepishly because I'm sure she knew that we were, and she takes us to the 'air studio' where we can hear the band through the speakers and also see them from behind double paned and angled glass. We can see Sven and John and Matt, and the back of Ben's head! We get to hear them practicing which is amazing, but we think we should go wait for the rest of our crew.
Laurel and Chris finally get there but Donna is nowhere to be found. We go sit in the air studio and continue to listen to the amazing ness, that is ART?. We hear this song, which we haven't heard before. Which puzzles us immensely, but the song is quite cool, but too soon over. Well, Rochelle and Natalie see Sven leave the little roomy thing so they go to tell him about the call # of the station over in FTC...
They come RUNNING back saying that WE CAN GO IN WHERE THE BAND IS!!! So we scaddadle into the room all excited because even John wants us to come in! Well, we go in the door where the host is going to be so we can't be on that side and there is only a little time before the show starts so we get to walk across all their equipment! Scary!!! So we get to sit in the room on the floor right there with our band! (Donna never made it :( she got stuck at work :( Boo!) The people, though, had told us that we couldn't move, talk, breathe, or anything. So we, of course, obeyed.
Although the band seemed a little dismayed, John said afterwards that we didn't seem 'into it.' HAH! Quite the contrary! It was torture to sit STILL through Gone Wrong!!!! Absolute torture and we didn't even do our signature flash during flash take a picture! Oh!!! Speaking of Flash Take a Picture, Matt had to change basses before they played that song and Sven asked the people in the booth if we could talk, or make noise! We got to! Ben did a drum roll, Sven counted to 3 and we got to yell! And then john said, "This song is called flash take a picture." John's solo in that song was SO AWESOME there! ah, heaven, it must be something like this... anyway.

There were so many more things in there but I am too overwhelmed even remembering all that which I've just typed. BUT! There is more story!
On the way home we, Rochelle and I because Nat went back with Lo and Chris, giggled and screamed or squealed or both. It was nuts. But the reason for all the fuss is just as silly! We, all of us, call the band 'ours,' we'll be talking about them and refer to them as 'our band,' well, Sven had said at the beginning of the show, "...we're here with our entourage..." Which means that he called US THEIRS!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAAHA!!! Not something to be entirely thrilled about, but you know, we are easily excited.
But nothing compared to the excitement, which awaited me for when I got home! I walk in the door all ready to tell everyone at my house my amazing story of my super close encounter with the ART? kind when my sister Courtney comes up the stairs to tell me that she made something for me. My mom and sisters had listened online because I told them that they had to. They heard me scream so my story really had less effect on them because they kind of had a story of their own.
What my sister had made for me was amazing. She popped a cassette tape into the player and out of it came Sven saying,” For all you at home three windows out to the sides, the coolest piano behind me and the Greeley Crowd is over here, they can't talk but can they talk for just one second, ok they can talk for just one second so when I count to three the Greeley crowd who came all the way from GreEEley get to make noise (insert drum roll here) ONE, TWO, THREE!" and we responded, "WOWOWOOOOW!"
My sister had gotten half of the show on tape!! I literally became a boa constrictor and gave her the biggest hug ever imaginable! It is an amazing tape! Love on the Radio is the first song. There is the coolest part in this song, I am always amazed and wowed by it. It so too cool for words... just like our ART?

ok, I'm done now...

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