Top Ten Cutest Guys!
Here, in my opinion, are the ten cutest celeb. guys. If u disagree, or have pics that could possibly be
better, e-mail me!
Number 1: Brad Pitt
The smile, the eyes, the hair. This is god's perfect creature.
Number 2: Ethan Hawke
See Great Expectations, or Gattaca. You'll understand my obession then. I know the pic is huge, but does he not look good or what?
Number 3: Matthew McConaughey
Forget cute, this guy is HOT! See A Time To Kill, and you'll understand what i mean.
Number 4: Michael Jordan
Perhaps alittle bias on my part, but who can resist that beautiful, shining, bald head?
Number 5&6: Ben Affleck, and Matt Damon
U simply cannot have one, without the other. Both are cute as hell, but Ben won out in the end.
Number 7: Andrew Keegan
You're probably saying who? But he plays Mary's teenage father b/f on 7th heaven. Watch the reruns, he'll be gone in the new season. *sniff*
Number 8: Alex Rodriguez
Watch baseball just for this guy, U won't be dissapointed, i promise. (His nickname is A-Rod, for those wondering.)
Number 9: Will Smith
All the way down here. I had to wait till ninth before i could fit him in. Just goes to show how many cute guys are on this page.
Number 10: Marlon Wayons
Watch the Sixth Man. Funny and cute! (His older brother Shawn ain't bad either!)
Well, here is the end. Come back often as i may add links to these cutie-patuties home pages! Hope u have enjoyed the Babe fest. But remember, it's what's on the inside that counts!
to go back!
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