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Say No To BSB Rumors!!

OKAY, i know why you're here, you know why you're here, we all do. you're here because all these rumors that are going around are going too far. BSB deserve respect, and the rumors that have been spreading through the internet are not at all respectful. That's why we should put an end to all the rumors. These rumors are affecting their images, personalities and their lives. For instance, awhile back, Brian actually had to come on tv and say that one certain rumor wasn't true. Also, the whole group had to come on tv and say something about it, that's how bad it's gotten. These rumors can be very destructive to their reputation and it also hurts their feelings personally, which most people don't think about. So put an end to the rumors. They must be stopped. To support this, please take any or all of these banners at the bottom of the page, and put them on your site. It's the least you can do to help out the guys and everyone else who loves and supports them. Thanks, *~angel~*.


if you want my banner on your site, the HTML code is underneath it, just replace the )('s with ><'z alritez?
(a href="")(img

Also, much propz the the help from people who also have pages without rumors below. If you have a page without rumors and you'd like to be added to the list, fill out this form entirely and i'll add you!