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Ahh..If Only We Knew..

If only we knew whut the guys were thinking when these pics were taken..

Brian: HAHAHAHAHAH!!..i wish they'd all shutup. Ahh..Jim Carrey, you're the best!

AJ: Howie, quit starin' at me, you're startin' to freak me out..

Howie: Wow, AJ DOES have pretty eyelashes!

Kevin: My, my, I think i'm grow-oh, it's those stupid undies..

Nick: I wonder what Kevin's looking at? Maybe it's that inflatable underwear i bought him..

Nick: Look! I'm Brian! I overexaggerate my singing!

Brian: Look! I'm Nick! I'm a big dork!

AJ: ..Chimps..i'm working with chimps..

Howie: Now kiddoes, this is why we don't play with super-glue!

Nick: HeeHee! Howie has funny lookin' ears!..Spock! That's who he reminds me of!

Brian: OOOWWWWWWW!!! OW! OW! OW! Dammit you guys! This friekin' hurts! *whine*

Kevin: head....feeling di......zzy..

AJ: woa. The fumes from that glue are makin' me feel kinda crazy..Hey look..Purple dancing elephants! *sniff*