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    well many of you have probably realized that this site hasn't been updated since december of 1998. that's a long time. well the reason for the lack of updates was that i really don't like the backstreet boys. i used to like them, but now they're just blah. now if you're one of those insane teeny-bopping bsb fans, i advise you to stop reading and just leave. but i feel i have to say this. the backstreet boys are crappy. they're just another new kids on the block. they attract girls with their good looks and love songs, but they really aren't anything *extraordinary*. they aren't the best singers in the world. but they don't have to be. as long as they get the girls after them, they'll rake in the cash. and that's all they really are, a novelty. since december, i've changed a lot. i realized that the backstreet boys really aren't worth my time. many of you know i've been a long time hanson fan. and i still am. hanson is self contained. they write, they sing, they play, they produce, they do everything. they're a real band. maybe you bsb fans should look into liking bands like hanson, the moffatts, the goo goo dolls, limp bizkit, kid rock, and blink 182. they're real bands.

signing off from the bsb web world for good, kelly.

wanna piss and moan at me? email me.

update: well lately i've been getting tons of hilarious hate mail so i figured why just delete when i can poke some fun of it! *grins* some people just scare me. my comments are in copper.

no subject:
i don't know how you can say that about the BSB they are the BEST thing in the world!!!!! they r sooooo....F**kin Great!!! [oh really? i would have never known...] i can see if you that [hmmm...i'm not comprehending your speech here...] about N'SNYC [n'snyc? who are they?] b/c they suck everybody D**k!!!! [wow your vocabulary is *so* impressive!]

BACKSTREET BOYS ARE THE BEST, THEY DONT HAVE TO WAIST [waist? do you mean waste? i'm confused here...] THEIR TIME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [nice punctuation...ahem...and bsb are wasting time on me? i just don't get it.]

You suck:
Who do you think you are to say that all that Bsb are is girl magnets? [well i'm a 15 year old girl who dislikes BSB...] They don't suck and they are a real band. [i'm not seeing the instruments...bands play instruments on albums and during shows. and no, one song doesn't count.] They are the best and you suck. [aww thanks!]

you tell 'em, sista!
Amen. I'm glad some other girl besides me knows the truth! The backstreet boys are lamers. Thanks for putting that (and the goo goo dolls are the best!!!) Don't worry about the "hate mail" you've been getting, it's probably from 13 year old adolescents that only watch mtv. What losers! [ah! someone has some sense in their head! thanks! :)]

no subject
YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 [*cough* no comment...]

In response...
First of all, Hanson are a rehab case waiting to happen. And besides, where is Hanson? [recording a new album in los angeles, california] They just vanished from the face of the earth. [not quite, sorry...] Backstreet Boys are the BOMB! [and how i do wish that bomb would just explode taking them with it...] How dare you say they are crappy. [let's just say i'm really really risky, okay?] What happened, you didn't win a contest? Or perhaps you went to one of their concerts, tried to touch them, and got bodyslammed. [actually i met AJ, but anyway...] Maybe you're just jealous because they can sing and they have talent. [oh i so wish i had their incredible talent *sarcasm*] And I believe there are more to the Backstreet Boys than just Looks. [i don't] Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but in this case, you can take your opinion and stick it where the sun don't shine. Have a nice day. [thanks! i will! you too!]
P.S. And about Hanson, they don't deserve to be in the same sentence with Limp Bizkit. Because Limp Bizkit is good Rock And Roll, [limp is rock and roll? i don't think they're considered rock and roll. rock and roll would be something more like the beatles, agree?] Hanson is just a One Hit MMMBop Wonder. Have a Lousy Day.
P.S.S. Don't Player Hate...Player Participate! Backstreet's Back Alright! [the question is, why were they ever gone in the first place? maybe cause they suck? just a thought.]