Here is a Sample of a DiamondBlue
Here is a Sample of a Copper
Here is a Sample of an Earthern Gravlor
This is a Golden Rod
These are different age groups of each of these dragons. I won't tell you which age group they are in becouse I don't like to give it all away, shoot I don't even want to show you what these dragons look like becouse it spoiles everything. But here it all is.
The dragons here will look somewhat different for each that is adopted.
To Adopt A Dragon:
Fill in the form below.
For your dragon you should give he/she's own page it would be better (plus the dragons are very big). When your dragon reaches full adulthood then contact me and tell me if you want your dragons to choose a mate. Anyhow your site will be added on to the CV dragons list.
CrystalSeaDragon: This serpent is very shy and does not communicate much.Loves to swim with friends and lives in underwater caverns.
DiamondBlues: These are furry dragons who like to play fight with other creatures.They love obstacles.
EarthernGravlor: Eartherns are very stronge and very mean dragons, they only obey the first person they see during there hatchling stage.
GoldenRods: Rods are very social dragons, thier best known for there skillful flying and there playfull air fights.
Coppers: Coppers are smaller then all four dragons, theres more chance these will be females. Coppers are known for there fast flying abilitys.
Eggs: 1/2 CrystalSerpents, 3/4 diamondblues, 6/6 EarthGravlors, 6/6 GoldenRods, 6/6 Coppers
There will be more dragons as soon as the firest batch have been all adopted.
There are 4 stages to the dragons. Please include them all on your page and your dragons can not share a page with any other creauters. If you want you can look at Safire's Store and you may add those to your dragon's home. 1.Please do not re-adopt any of my dragons or change the way they look.
You may adopt only ONE dragon!