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Preparing Items for Hospitals

We would just like to share some pictures of the blankets, burial gowns, boxes, etc., so that you will get an idea of how your items are delivered to hospitals to be given to grieving families. These are our boxes. They are hand stamped with love. They are one more thing the parents can keep as a momento of their baby in years to come.

What is in the box

We put tissue paper around the blanket just to make it look a bit nicer. We include 2 cards; 1 for the parents, and one for the medical staff. The card for the parents is one expressing our sorrow at their loss. It is pinned on with an angel pin. The card for the medical staff explains a bit about the blanket and how to use it so that they can help parents make memories of thier baby, memories that will have to last a lifetime.

Preparing blankets and layettes

We package everything nicely, it just shows the parents that time was taken and care given to making the items for they and their precious baby. We have hospitals that need only four or five blankets a year, and hospitals that need many more than that each month. Along with the blankets we try to include a burial layette, it just makes things a tiny bit easier on the parents if they don't have to run around trying to find something for their baby to wear. And for the small babies it is difficult, if not impossible to find something that will fit.

Burial Layettes

We have need for burial layettes for babies who may only weigh three ounces on up. The greatest need being for the tiniest ones up to preemie sizes, as clothing is difficult to find for these precious babies. However, our greatest need is for blankets; any size from 12x12. Our goal is for each and every baby and their parents to receive a blanket to comfort them.