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Pictures and Thank yous!!

Please help us to help the babies. Each person can make a difference. If you make only one thing, you touch one baby and one family! We are always in need of blankets, the more we receive the more hospitlas we can serve. I also like to include burial layettes for the wee ones that don't make it. It is the last thing we can do for these precious babies. Often there is nothing small enough the parents can purchase for their baby to wear. Every baby deserves a blanket. We make blankets for the precious babies for the parents to hold and cuddle them in during the short time they have to say bittersweet hellos and heartbreaking good-byes. The blanket is often all the family will have in the years to come that was the babies. The blankets can be as small as 12" by 12". Burial layettes can be as small as 5 inches in length to newborn size. Please, won't you help? A special thank you to Bailey's Sewing Center, Geneseo; for the donation of white boxes!


These beautiful blankets were donated by Sandy. Thank you so much Sandy!!! They will give parents comfort in the years to come.

Thank you to Marylynn for the wonderful knitted blankets she sent. They are just beautiful, and much appreciated.
Some beautiful work

These beautiful preemie dresses, and the robe, sweater, hat set and blanket; were made by MaryLynn, thanks so much!

Some beautiful work

This is really a very easy and quick blanket to make, and turns out quite pretty and soft. The pattern for it is on the patterns page, if you would like to try your hand at making one. These are beautifully knitted burial gowns.