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Well, you have reached the domain of Atlan, formerly known to Earth as Aaron Rulz, until I came to Kellaria. I don't and won't put up a picture of me for a while, there'll just be a picture of my white buddio Fanth there. So, you have come to find out about me have you? Okay, lets see... other people think I'm hyper, which I am, I usually have unhealthy foods at all meals, I'll eat anything with sugar, and like to begin conversations by asking a person what kind of cookie they prefer... Kaya for instance prefers chocolate chip or chocolate chocolate chip. I like any kind of cookie personally. Okay, moving along, my favorite band is Korn, and if you don't like them too bad! Okay, I suck at typing, and will stop while I'm behind(wuhoo! No errors) so you can email me at: I think that email still works, if you want to contact me.........

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