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Dragon Moon's First Winter

Ekyla was in her lair being bored since Mellekey was sleeping. It was pretty late so of course everyone in the entirety of Dragon Moon was sleeping.

She sighed and turned on her side. She had just found a comfortable position to sleep in when she heard Mellekey stir below.

You awake Mellekey? She asked her bronze dragon.

Yes. I'm having a very restless night, Mellekey said in her sweet mind voice.

Odd. Me too. I feel like there is something going to happen soon, Ekyla spoke as she got up out of her bed and began to dress in her riding clothes. Mind if we go for a ride? I need some fresh air.

I'm always ready to stretch my wings. Let's go before the rest of Dragon Moon awakens, Mellekey said, excited now for a night flight.

When Ekyla had finished dressing she pulled her frizzy black hair into a quick braid and headed towards where Mellekey lay.

When Mellekey saw Ekyla she went to her ledge getting ready to take off.

Don't be so impatient Mellekey. I have yet to put on your riding straps, Ekyla said laughing at the excited dragon. Do be quiet Mellekey. If anyone finds out we are going to be in big trouble, she said as Mellekey started to make soft coos at her.

Ekyla? Forget the riding straps for a moment, and help me figure out what this strange stuff is.

Ekyla became nervous by what Mellekey said, dropped the riding straps, and ran to the ledge where Mellekey stood.

It is very cold to touch, and melts from my heat, Mellekey spoke to Ekyla.

Once Ekyla got a look at the strange stuff she gave a laugh.

Its called snow back on earth. It comes with winter. And it's very fun to play in. Wake up Kivessa and Charmiaz and tell her to come would you? I want to see her reaction.

I do not think she will be too happy being woken in the middle of the night.

Oh, she'll be glad to see snow. She'll be happy. At least happy enough not to get mad at me.

A half-hour later Ekyla and Kivessa stood side by side knee deep in snow laughing as their two dragons played.

"Never thought I'd see snow again once we left Earth," Ekyla said aloud.

"It seems to me that its not an everyday occurrence," Kivessa replied. "Or it could just be new to our dragons."

"Should we wake up Kaya?"

"I know she would love this. But would she be mad if we woke her up?" Ekyla asked.

"I bet she'll be madder if she found out about the snowfall in the morning when she could have known tonight."

"You want to wake her?" Ekyla asked hopefully.

"It was your idea."

"How about we have some snowballs on hand when she comes out."

Kivessa grinned and started to make a pile of snowballs. Ekyla quickly told Mellekey to wake up Kaya and joined Kivessa.

When they saw movement on Kaya's ledge, they each grabbed a snowball and hid it.

When Kaya landed her eyes were wide with shock.

"Wow! Snow!"

Kivessa gave a whistle to get Kaya's attention and then threw the snowball she held when Kaya turned. Ekyla did the same. Kaya gave a cry of surprise and ran towards the cover of her dragon, Iomethe.

While Kivessa was laughing, Ekyla grabbed another snowball and hucked it at her. Kivessa turned, playful anger written on her face. Ekyla gave a laugh then followed Kaya's lead and ran towards Mellekey.

Soon all three were hidden behind their dragons throwing snowballs whenever the other came into view.

As this was going on Mellekey had a small conversation with Charmiaz and Iomethe. Ekyla had just bent to make another snowball when Mellekey took off into the sky. Shocked, she looked up and saw both Kivessa and Kaya staring back at her in stunned belief.

Then without warning the three ran laughing the entire way. Ekyla found shelter behind a rock shelf, Kivessa behind a boulder and Kaya in a small cavelet.

When Ekyla's breathing calmed she heard the three dragons laughing above.

I knew the snow would bring out your playful side Mellekey.

I learned from you. I didn't exactly find being a shield that fun.

Well why didn't you say so? Come help me down here. I need backup in the war.

Mellekey complied and was soon crouching beside Ekyla. Ekyla laughed when she saw what Mellekey was doing.

What is so funny? Mellekey asked.

You! You can't hide behind this rock shelf, you're way too big!

When Ekyla had controlled her laughter she crept up the lip to see what was going on with Kivessa and Kaya. When she did so she was bombarded by a dozen snowballs. She heard the laughter of Kivessa and Kaya as she slid back to her hiding spot.

The snowball fight lasted only a few more minutes before the shouts came from above. As Ekyla looked up she saw that everyone in Dragon Moon had woken up. She walked out from her shelter and joined Kivessa and Kaya where they stood.

As they looked up they saw angry faces all around them.

"Just enjoying the first snowfall of the year," Ekyla shouted up meekly. She waited for the reaction of the group overhead and smiled as they came down to join the group.

Then Kivessa, Kaya, and Ekyla found themselves surrounded.

"I think we are in trouble," Kivessa whispered to Ekyla. Ekyla nodded.

"Duck!" screamed Kaya as snowballs came flying in their direction.

They screamed and laughed as they tried to run away from the rain of snowballs. Kaya shouted, "Next time let's be more quiet. Then we wouldn't be killed by everyone else!"

Ekyla and Kivessa just laughed as they stopped and picked up some snowballs, hurling them at their assailants.

This is copyright Ekyla, and if you want a copy of this story, e-mail her!

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