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The Gift Exchange
By Kaya and P'zaz

“I think we should do a gift exchange” Kivessa decided.

“Yeah, and it shouldn’t have to be for Christmas either” chipped in Ekyla.

“Yeah! We’ll start our own tradition!” Exclaimed Kaya.

“Okay, so whose going to tell who?” said Rynn finally.

“Well, I’ll tell Tavin,” said Kivessa.

“Who’ll tell P’zaz.” said Kaya.

“And I’ll tell Eli” said Ekyla.

“And I’ll tell Atlan” finished off Rynn.

P’zaz sat on the overstuffed couch that was in the corner of his room. Fyra was in her lair, and he had nothing much to do, since Tavin was where ever, even Kivessa didn’t know, and Fyra was asleep. He had no other real good friends since Sariyya had dumped him. Oh well, it didn’t really bother him. Okay, so it did, but things would turn around soon.

Tavin wants in Fyra thought to him sleepily.

P’zaz went downstairs and opened the door for his friend.

“The girls have decided on us all doing a gift exchange.” Tavin said cheerfully.

“Who exactly in Dragon Moon qualifies as ‘the girls’? As in, which side's girl's? Sariyya's or Kivessa and Kaya's?” P’zaz asked, almost knowing the answer.

“Kivessa, Kaya, Rynn and Ekyla.”

“Right, sure, whatever.” He said, hiding a blush, he was actually kind of glad that Tavin had sided with those girls, instead of Sariyya's.

“Okay, so we meet in Kivessa’s lair, since it has the most room, at 7:00PM this evening, to draw names as to who we get.” He said.

“We’re not supposed to tell anyone who we get.” He said, with mock seriousness, “The actual exchange is in a week, see ya!” He finished. He then grinned, and started to walk down the hall.

“Kay,” P’zaz said, when Tavin was out of sight, and then closed the door.

The group of people had arranged themselves wherever they felt most comfortable, around Kivessa’s room. Each held a small piece of paper, with their name on it.

“So, we can’t show anyone who we get?” Kaya asked, nudged Kivessa, and smiled deviously.

“Nope.” Kivessa replied.

A hat was found in Kivessa’s closet, and the papers folded and put in it. With her eyes closed tight, Kivessa brought the hat around, and people grabbed a slip of paper from it. Ekyla picked first, then Rynn, then Tavin, then P’zaz, then Eli, then Kaya, and finally, Kivessa.

Kaya stared at her paper, trying to keep her face straight. She pretended she was playing poker. Since no one was supposed to see, she made a dutiful little play out of slowly eating the paper she had received, which made everyone look a little sick. She laughed when she had finished; and P’zaz cocked his eyebrow and looked at her. Once everyone had disposed of their papers, in ways that are more usual then Kaya had, they left.

P’zaz groaned, why did he have to get Kaya? Would she think he set this up? Whose name did she have on her paper? How would he find out what she wanted as a gift? He put the thoughts aside, and began the walk from the Silver floor to the Gold floor.

Kaya took the secret staircase route from Kivessa’s room to her own room, and surveyed her personal state. How was she going to find out what P’zaz wanted for a gift? Moreover, without letting him in on it? She got to her room, and decided to take the normal path from the Blue floor to the Gold floor, instead of getting Iomethe to make a secret route. She left immediately, and arrived in about fifteen minutes. She found his room, after a process of elimination of which room looked the most masculine, and hoped she had the right room.

“Whoops! Hi Alxra!” She said, as her friend Alxra opened the door. Both Kivessa and her friends as well as Sariyya’s had both been thrown out of Telleka Citadel… she wouldn’t go into details in her mind… she knew them too well already.

“You wouldn’t know where P’zaz’s Lair is would you? And don’t look at me like that!” She said.

“I won’t even ask this time.” Replied Alxra, “I’ll show you.” She lead Kaya to where P’zaz’s lair was.

“Thanks… I’m glad I didn’t end up at a door of one of Sariyya’s friends who have a Gold.” She said.

“You’re welcome.” Said Alxra; walking back to her Lair. Kaya let out a deep breath and knocked on the door. P’zaz opened it, and she stood for a couple minutes, trying to organize her thoughts.

“Hi! Umm, do you want to have a truce for the week while this gift exchange is going on?” She asked, the first part of her sentence a stuttered mess.

“I guess.” He shook her hand as they did in Peace Treaties.

“So, want to sit at ‘our table’ today?” She asked.

“Why not, then I can finally talk to Tavin.” He said, trying to sound as careless about this as possible. “So, lunch?” She asked.

They reached the cafeteria in a few minutes, and took a seat; the meal was silent, other than a small conversation between Rynn and Atlan on Earth music. P’zaz left after finishing, and she followed him.

“So, what would you want, for this present exchange?” She asked him.

He didn’t answer her, instead kept on walking.

“I’m asking this to everyone you know, don’t think that I’m mocking you. I mean, like, whatever.” She said, somewhat apologetically.

P’zaz continued walking, not wanting Kaya to see him blush. His embarrassment overtook him, and he began to run.

Kaya ran after him, and thought up a ‘best case scenario’ plan. She ran out of ideas, ran as fast as she could to catch up to him, grabbed him at the waist, tackled him, and brought him down.

“I was still talking to you.” She tried to yell, but it came out quietly, since she had been winded by the fall; as was P'zaz.

“Fine!” P’zaz yelled as he got his breath back, and got up, she got up too.

“Okay, sorry, just trying to get your attention. Hope that didn't break the truce.” She said, feeling stupid.

“Well, you got my attention now, so, here’s what I want.” He pulled a list out of his pocket, there were only two options for gifts on it, “If anyone else wants to now, give them that, or a copy.” He said and walked away.

“Oh, what do you want?” He asked, “Since I might as well find out from everyone too, just so no one knows who I have.”

She pulled out a list from her back pocket, most of the things she could get herself, but it would be interesting to see what she got anyway. Some people misread her lists most times and she usually ended up with quite interesting stuff, to say the least.

“Okay, see you next week at Kivessa’s for the exchange.” she said. She was trying not to blush in embarrassment over what she had just done. Tackling him had just seemed like the best case scenario five minutes ago.

“Sure.” P’zaz waited until she was out of sight and smiled, then he jogged the rest of the way to his room.

A week passed, and finally everyone met in Kivessa’s room, all with a variety of shaped gifts, decorated with whatever outer wrap the giver found fit. Kivessa declared that the exchanges should be made, and Kaya and P’zaz walked over to each other.

“Umm, so... I had you.” Kaya said quietly, trying to make it so no one else could hear, even though they would find out in five minutes anyway. She handed P’zaz a medium sized box she had had Iomethe make. It was made of rock, with intricate patterns all over it.

“Yeah, weird, I had you too.” P’zaz said, handing Kaya a small box.

Her thoughts whirled, everything on her list was medium sized. Oh well, she had settled for stuff off her list before, every time she had had a gift exchange actually. She carefully unwrapped the paper. It was regular writing paper, but had poems written all over it that she wanted to read after.

“Groovy! A bracelet!” She exclaimed, it was hand made, and P’zaz had managed to slip a small dragon charm, made out of a Kellarian metal, into the middle.

She smiled, and looked around. Kivessa had gotten her gift from Eli; Eli had a gift from Tavin, Tavin one from Rynn, Rynn from Atlan, and Atlan one from Kivessa. She began to wonder if the exchange between her and P’zaz had been purposely set up. She shrugged, and tried to watch the expression on P’zaz’s face while he opened her gift.

“Okay, I seriously don’t remember this being on my list.” He said with pure surprise, he had asked for something completely different, and she had gotten Altan to take her back to Earth for about an hour so that she could buy him a book. It was one by Charles Dickens, she had decided on it because it was kind of like the one by the Kellarian author he had asked for. He smiled.

”So, the truce is over?” He asked.

“Yup!” She said, punched him in the arm, and strode over to Kivessa to see what she had gotten.

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