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Karoma Adoptions

Kaya leads you outside to a long, sandy beach, and gives a loud whistle, after a couple of minutes, a beautiful looking sea creature comes to the shore.

"This is Starshine, she is a DreamRiver Karoma, which is the highest rank... so far. We seem to dicover more types every week! Anyway, to adopt a Karoma for yourself, you must go look at the Rules first. You may adopt more than one Karoma, only three per clutch as a maximum though. To see the ranks of each of the Karomas, click Here . AND, to find out who is having a clutch, and what numbers are available.... the most important information required on the form, please go see the Available Numbers. Here it is the luck of the draw which Karoma you get. You pick a number, and a second number, and from those we choose your Karoma.... you may name it yourself though." She stops, and smiles, waiting for you to decide where to go.

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