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Kivessa is showing you around the massive citadel that is called Dragon Moon, when she finally stops at the second highest floor.

"Kaya and Iomethe are the only blue dragon pair in the citadel right now, even though she made three suites." Points out Kivessa as she knocks on an interestingly decorated door.

A girl, who you presume to be Kaya opens the door.(Picture farther down the page)

"Hey Kivessa," says the girl. She holds her face expressionless, and says nothing more until Kivessa introduces you.

"Well hi!" She says, shaking your hand, becoming more friendly, "Come on in. I was in the middle of changing my room around, but it can wait."

You walk in and Kaya leads you and Kivessa over a small bridge across an indoor river and up spiral staircases to the first floor of her living quarters. Kivessa continues to talk to you, but Kaya looks like she's thinking of something else, probably talking to her dragon Iomethe.

"Okay, he's at the feeding grounds." She finally says, at her expression changes to one thats with you and Kivessa, not off in her own world, or talking to her dragon.

Once into the living room of Kaya's living space in the lair, you find yourself staring at the roof. Live waves are lapping gently on roof, suspended there like it was any normal ocean. Yet it was upside down, and you wondered how it was staying up so perfect.

"I decided to change this, I mean, we never hold meetings in my room, because Tavin won't come in under any circumstance. And, please tell me you're not the sort of person who gets sea sick..." Kaya says to you as she settles comfortably into one of the brightly colored chairs.

"Well..." you start, trying not to look at the roof.

"Okay, just a sec, good thing for dragon partners sharing each others' gifts, or we'd have to wait until Iomethe got back..." as she says this, she closes her eyes and the waves stop, and the color of them changes from the shades of ocean blues to a sunburnt yellow.

"I hope that'll do for now, and that it'll look ornamental." she says to you after she opens her eyes.

"Show off," says Kivessa, finally entering the conversation.

"I know, sorry." says Kaya to Kivesa with a large smile.

Suddenly there is the noise of something on the ground floor of Kaya and Iomethe's lair, and Kaya announces, "Yes! Iomethe is back, come, you have to see him!"

"Anyway, I have to go, I have this craving to draw." says Kivessa to Kaya, as she heads up the staircase to Kaya's room.

"Closet paths from room to room." says Kaya, as she notices you staring at Kivessa as she heads up the stairs.

You then follow Kaya down the spiral staircase as Kivessa leaves, and see a large, blue dragon beginning to get comfortable on the loose sands of the ground floor.

"This is Iomethe, Iomethe this is one of the new visitors!" She speaks to her dragon.

Then you hear a mind-voice directed at you, presumably from Iomethe, :Hello visitor, I am Iomethe, how are you?:

:Good: you say back in mind-speach.

"Well, Iomethe, I'm going to visit P'zaz, anything you want to say to Fyra?" asks Kaya to her dragon,

:Not that I can't tell her on my own: you hear the voice of Iomethe once again, this time boadcasted to both you and Kaya. :Okay: said Kaya, also on broadcast, turning around and heading up to her room where the closet connection was. She sweeps through her room just in time for you to see the same 60s style that filled her living room, but that was about all that catches your eye on your way through.

"You wouldn't mind coming with me to visit P'zaz would you?" Kaya asks you, and she too heads to the closet. She unlocks a door on the far side of her closet, and motions for you to follow her.

"These are just passages directly from closet to closet of all our(Kivessa and Mine, that is) friends." she says, as she notices the quizzical look on your face.

You decide to follow Kaya down the spiral staircase path through her closet to the gold floor, and directly to P'zaz's closet.

Me in Real Life... the true Kaya revealed

Okay, in my real life, this is basically how I look like, except my eyes are hazel, and I'm a tad(just a SMIDGEN, less perfect)... and with longer hair... mine is shoulderlength, but its not like you care right? I am a bit(thats an understatement) of an oddball, I am very talkative, very hyper, very short(for now... I am going to grow... well, at least I hope I will), and cling amiably to the name psyco. I am a Tom-Boy.... my friends have decided they can visualize me drinking beer with a couple of guys, since I belch like one, and hork spitballs like one(a bit too much information huh!? Sorry, just thought I'd let you know that). I am also into the 60s and 70s styles, and phrases... I mean, LOOK at the background... and my friends tell me to stop saying groovy... oh well, originality is the key to groovyness and psyconess, so it suits me fine.... in Dragon Moon, I have my boyfriend P'zaz, and in real life, I am just a bit too childish and weird for anyone.... but I hope to find that perfect guy in reality too.....

Okay, for Iomethe, he is very much like me.... well, except the obvious(if you don't realize the girl/guy difference, or the human/dragon one, then you scare even me!).... I mean, he has his quirks as I do mine... and I made him up(ACK!!! Not supposed to admit that!), so I SHOULD get a bit of a decision over what he's like.... well, I'll shut up now, my fingers are getting tired, and I've psyco-ed you out enough already... my email is though, if you want to contact me.

Name: Kaya(well, thats what it says at the top doesn't it?!)
Age: 15
Gender: Female(duh!)
Birthday: July 24, 1984
Height: 5'2"(I hope to grow... this is my real height on Earth)
Favorite Food: Chocolate(or are we talking relatively healthy stuff?)
Least Favorite Food: Vegetables and the boring fruits(oranges and apples etc.)
Favorite School Subject(s): English
Least Favorite School Subject: French and Socials... (That was a hard descision, Science, Math and Gym were close seconds)
Family (Earth family... in Kellaria, Iomethe is my family...sorta.): Mother, Father, 1 brother, 1 sister, 1 foster sister
Favorite Color(s): Blue, NICE, dark greens, and those turquoise, and blue-green colors.
Favorite Animal(s): Ducks, Dragons(*smile*), and dogs.
Favorite Book(s): Dragonsdawn, Dragonflight, Dragonquest, The Chronicles of Pern, The Elvenbane, The Last Herald-Mage Series.
Favorite Author(s): Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffrey.
Favorite Song(s): "Iris"(by The Googoo Dolls), "Heaven Coming Down" and "The Messanger"(by The Tea Party), "Here With Me"(by Dido), "The Dolphin's Cry"(by Live).
Favorite Band(s): The Tea Party, The Googoo Dolls, Dido, and Live.
Favorite Television Show(s): Roswell, and Cybersix.
Favorite Movie(s): The Matrix, The Fifth Element, She's All That
Dragon's Name: Iomethe(Pronounced: Eye-Owe-Meth)
Dragon's Color: Blue(well I'll be.....ah......darned)
Dragon's Rank: 2nd
Kaya's Rank: 2nd in Command(with P'zaz... unofficial couple)

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