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You are wandering around the Citadel.
You have gone up many sets of stairs, and you're wondering when you'll ever see the top floor. You probably won't. That's reserved for the leaders.
You walk into a hallway. Only two doors occupy this hallway, one with a name, the other unoccupied.
You knock on the door with a name. "Kivessa, rider of Charmiaz" it reads. You hear someone walking to the door.
The door opens and a gust of wind almost blows you over, it's so strong.
"Come in, and be quick about it!" someone you assume is Kivessa screams at you over the windyness.
You follow her over the little stream via a bridge, and you quickly run up the spiral staircase because it's swaying violently.
You rush into the living room after Kivessa.
She slams the door.
"Okay," she says. She gets her hair out of her face. "Its really, really windy today, in case you haven't noticed. So, what're you doing here?"
"Um... I don't know. Just visiting, I guess," you say.
"Oh. Okay. So, I'm Kivessa, and this is my home. Me and Tavin are the leaders of this place, but it's not really official, so we still live seperate. Since I am not willing to let a stranger have a tour of my room, do you want to see the Floor plan? Oh, wait, I don't have it on hand right now. Sorry! Well, I guess I should tell you about myself. I'm 15 years old, and my birthday is on September 23. My favorite color is silver (of course), but I mostly wear green."

Pic of Kivessa Pic of Charmiaz

"My dragon is Charmiaz, in case you were wondering," she says to your looking out the window to the large dragon lounging on her couch. She seemed not affected by the wind at all.
(Note: Names have been changed because this is not Pern!)
"Oh yeah, as a leader of Dragon Moon, I have done various things for the Citadel. Here's a list:
My However Many Pieces of Art
My Recipe
The Legacy of Dragon Moon

"Yes, I'm leader. So's my guy Tavin. Shall we visit him?