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Main Characters:


Kivessa:(Kiv-ess-uh) She is 15 years old, and her birthday is on September 23rd. She has shoulder-length golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She's approximately 5'3" and is the shortest of the earthlings. Her interests are animals, music, science, art, and almost anything but the social aspect of life. Her original name was Mallory. Her best friend is Kaya, and her boyfriend is Tavin. She bonded Charmiaz, a silver, and is heir to leadership of South Telleka. Her favorite color is silver, and she loves to be outdoors. She was once obsessed with flying.

Kaya: (Kay-uh) She is also 15 years old, and her birthday is on July 24th. She has chin length brown hair, and hazel eyes. She is 5'4" but she is still growing. She's obsessed with the styles of the 1960s, and she bonded blue Iomethe(I-owe-meth). Her favorite color is blue, and she doesn't wear much else except blue t-shirts and bellbottoms, or gray t-shirts and green baggy pants. She avoids most kinds of strainfully, forced, physical activities, but is okay with the leisurely ones. She is a good person to tell secrets. Her original name was Racheal, and her boyfriend is P'zaz.

Tavin:(TahVINN) He is 16, and his birthday is May 13th. He is approximately 6'0", and he has really dark brown hair that is slightly tinged deep violet. He has chocolate brown eyes, and his favorite color is green. He bonded bronze Ondran, and is going out with Kivessa. He likes to do most outdoors things, except he can't swim. His interests include food and sleep, and music.

Ekyla:(Eh-kyla) She is 15 years old, and she is 5'5". She is brown-skinned, and has brown eyes and long frizzy brown hair. Her favorite color is purple, and she bonded a female bronze named Mellekey. Her date of birth is March 13th. She writes most of the time, but she has no way of getting back to earth for a new battery for her laptop. So she has to write them by hand. Rumor has it that she's going to hook up with Akron one of these days.

Darrow:(Dar-row) He has light blonde hair and blue eyes. He is 15 and his birthday is August 8th(or 3rd?). He is about 5'10", and he bonded bronze Mikor. His favorite color is yellow, and he is always making jokes and laughing at other people (jokingly, not meanly), and he likes to draw. He can draw cartoons really well, and he sometimes draws portraits of the people in Dragon Moon. He likes to flirt with everyone (females, that is).

P'zaz:(Pu-zaz) He is also 16, and his birthday is April 26th. He is approximately 5'11" in height, and he has light brown hair and very dark purple eyes. His favorite colors are dark green and sky blue. He bonded with gold Fyra(Fear-ah), and his girlfriend is Kaya. He is into doing outdoor stuff, and likes sports. He likes to make people laugh, and likes to show off. He enjoys flying, and is a very sociable person, to those who he is friends with.

Rynn:(Rinn) She is 15 years old, and is 5'4". She has green eyes and almost but not quite blonde hair. Her favorite color is blue, and she bonded a gold named Myz. Her birthdate is November 15th 1984. She is carefree and she just likes to have fun. She wishes that she could act like herself around people, but she thinks they'll think she's crazy. Her former name was Lauren.

Atlan:(At-lin) He is 15 years old, and is 6'2". He has brown eyes and spastic brown hair. His favorite color is black, and he bonded a white named Fanth. His birthdate is August 15th. He likes to joke around, and has an interesting sense of humour. He doesn't seem to be interested in any girls right now... probably because none of them share his.. um... intriguing state of mind(he's just a bit quirky... not gay). His original name was Aaron.

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