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The Founding of Moon Cats

Kellaria-Present Day

"Hey Akron!" Kivessa said one day while visiting him in his laboratory, "What are you working on now?"

"Hello, Kivessa. I'm working on something that involves more than two hands. Come here and hold this glass, will you?" He replied, noticablly struggling to put a few things together at once.

"Okay. Hey, what are you making? A telescope?" She asked.

"Huh? Okay, not going to ask." He said, not knowing what a telescope was. "I'm making a device that you can see very faraway objects with. Like our moons, for example."

"Oh, that is a telescope. Anyway, of what use will this be to the normal people of Dragon Moon?" Kivessa said.

"I don't know, I've just been really bored lately. So I was... well, I was drinking some alcohol, and was looking through the glass and thought, hey, that could be interesting to see if that could work. So here I am." He said. "Hand me that glue, please."

"Sure." She said and handed him the glue. "When do you think you're going to be done?"

"As soon as this glue dries. Come back tonight to see if this thing works or not."

"Can I bring Kaya along? She needs to get out. She's been moping around ever since she got in trouble for flying on Iometh without Skytris's permission. I don't blame her. Iometh is surely big enough to fly, as Charmiath is too. Besides, we need to learn. Yes, I got in trouble too." She said to Akron's sly look at her.

"Sure, as long as she doesn't bring that P'zaz kid with her." He said, not liking P'zaz.

"What's wrong with P'zaz?" Kivessa asked him.

"He once put an amphibian in my soup! I haven't forgiven him yet." He says, with a grim look on his face.

"Ew. No, I will make sure she doesn't bring P'zaz." Kivessa said. "Well, see you tonight, then."

"Yeah, bye." He said and started to rummage around on his desk.

"Hey Kaya!" Kivessa said as she knocked on Kaya's door.

"What?" Kaya said.

"It's me, Kivessa." She yelled through the door.

"Okay, just a sec." Kaya said, and a little while later opened the door.

"Took you long enough." Kivessa complained.

"Well, you didn't say you wanted to be let in quickly." Kaya replied.

"Okay, well anyway, Akron wants us to go to his Lab tonight to see his new invention, which I like to call a 'Telescope'. Remember those things? Yeah, one of those. He wants us to view the moon. Oh yay. I just thought that you might like to join me in the boredom." She said, not letting Kaya speak.

"Has it been arranged already?" Kaya asked. "I don't really want to go. Those things are boring."

"Well, yes it's been arranged, he's expecting us."

"Darn! Hey, can I bring P'zaz?"

"Nope, Akron doesn't like him. He says he once put a frog or something in his soup." Kivessa said as she laughed.

"Really?" Kaya said, laughing. "In his soup?" She said and continued laughing. "Well, I might as well go, even though I don't want to." She said after she stopped laughing, and glared at Kivessa.

"Okay, tonight at his Lab then." Kivessa said, and left her room.

"Hi Akron." Kaya greeted as she went into the Lab. "Is Kivessa here yet?"

"Nope, she's late as usual." He replied, getting the telescope ready.

"Oh. Well, this is going to be interesting." Kaya said sarcastically and indiscreetly.

"Yes, it is." Akron said, unknowing of the intent of Kaya's comment.

"Okay, it's all set up. Want to come take a look?" He asked her after a while of silence.

"Sure, might as well, nothing really to lose." She said as she walked over to the window where the telescope was.

"There's nothing on the moon." She said. "Except... hey... that looks like lice jumping off a person's head! Weird!" She said, looking at the moon.

"Oh, am I late?" Kivessa said, suddenly entering the room. "Oh, you guys started without me. Hey, let me look." She said at Kaya's refusal to budge.

"Kivessa, you have to see this. It is so weird. It's like... fleas or something on the moon!" She finally moved out of the way for Kivessa.

She looked into the telescope lens. "Hey, you're right! Except... hey, is this thing adjustable?"

"Yes, just twist this button here." Akron said, and twisted the button for her, making the picture clearer.

"Kaya... look at this. It's unbelievable... I'm in awe." Kivessa said, stepping slowly away from the telescope.

"Don't I get a turn?" Akron said. "It's my invention."

"Hey, that looks exactly like a... winged cat! Akron! There are winged cats on the moon!" She said, completely ignoring his comment.

"Hey, I have an idea." Kivessa said, and closed her eyes for a second.

"What is it?" Kaya asked.

"I just asked Charmiath to try to establish communication with the creatures up there, and tell one of them to come down here." Kivessa said, and closed her eyes once again. "Don't bother me for a few seconds, I can barely hear her."

After a few minutes, Kivessa opened her eyes widely and told them what Charmiath had said.

"She said that there would be a representative of the creatures down in a few hours. How do creatures like that sustain life on that moon? It's got no atmosphere."

"That is weird. Well, hopefully they can speak in some way, or else we'll never know." Akron said.

"Don't forget, Charmiath can talk to them. I don't know about any other dragons, like Iometh or such, but we have at least one creature who can contact them." Kivessa said.

"So now we have to wait here. Great." Kaya said.

The three people decided to wait in the laboratory for the creature to descend.

"Hey, did you hear that?" Kaya said mid-sentence. "It sounded like... just a second." She said, and got up and walked over to the door. She opened it, and in came a winged cat.

It had peachy-orange wings, kind of a mix between bats' wings and birds' wings, with fur on them, and bright green eyes. It was the size of a normal domestic cat on Earth, but looking more kitten-ish, like a cat that never grew up. It's peachy-orange fur was shining in the light of the Lab.

"Meow!" It said.

"Great, a new species of strange feline that we can't relate to." Kaya said, unhappy and slightly bored.

"Where's Charmiath when you need her?" Kivessa said.

:I am right outside the door. I thought you might need me to speak.: Charmiath relayed in a thought to Kivessa.

"Oh, she's right outside." Kivessa said.

"Um, Charmiath, ask the cat if it can tell what we're saying." Kaya said, for the dragon could speak to her too.

:Okay.: She said. :She says that her name is Calliope and yes, she can understand what you're saying.: Charmiath said after a while.

"Okay, Calliope, can you talk back to us not through Charmiath?" Kivessa asked, feeling silly talking to a winged cat.

:Yes, I can.: Calliope said in everyone's head.

"Great. Now, what do you call yourselves?" Akron asked, writing all the information down like a good scientist.

:You can't pronounce it, you aren't felines.: She replied.

"Well, that doesn't get us very far. How about we call you 'Moon Cats'." Kivessa said.

:Okay, that's what it would translate to anyway.: Calliope said.

"Well, how are things on the moon?" Kivessa said.

:Fine. We are getting a little over-populated, though. We were going to come down here anyway to see if we could possibly share this beautiful world of yours.:

"Would you (I mean your whole race) be willing to be put into homes of people here in Kellaria?" Kivessa asked.

:Yes, so long as they were treated as equals.: Calliope said after a while of consideration.

"I'm sure people would want to adopt creatures like you. Everybody wants a cat that stays a kitten." Kaya said.

:I will tell the others to come, whoever wants to come can, right?: Calliope said.

"Right, as long as there isn't two billion of you wanting to come here." Kaya said, and the conversation kept going through the night.

And so the Moon Cats were adopted out into the culture of Kellaria.

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