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Tavin and Ondran

"I think this is the one that he lives in." Kivessa mutters to herself, leading you to someone's home in Dragon Moon.

She knocks on the door. "Hello? Tavin, are you home?" She yells through the door.

"Yep, just a sec..." Came the faint sounding reply.

"Hello?" He says, looking out of the door at you. "Who are you?"

"He/She's a visitor." Kivessa says, pulling the door open so he could see her. He immediatly got a small smile on his face.

He's got it bad for her, you think.

"How's Charmiaz?" He asks. "Ondran wants to know."

"She's finally stopped growing, which means that I won't have to take her to the feeding grounds that much anymore." She said. "How is Ondran?"

"He's doing okay, he just got over his sickness. Never figured out what it was, though."

"Oh, that's too bad. They need to know about things like that.

You feel left out, so you turn around and start walking down the hall discreetly.

"Hey! Come back! Sorry, we were ignoring you, we'll include you in our conversations this time!" Kivessa yells after you, her voice reverberating off of the walls.

You turn around and start walking back, hoping that they wouldn't leave you out again.

As you go back, you realize that Tavin had wrapped his arm around Kivessa and was reaching around her when,

"Ouch! What was that for?" Kivessa jumped forward, Tavin's arm falling to his side, Tavin laughing. "You pinched me in my butt! That was so not funny! That hurt!" She started to laugh, knowing he hadn't meant to hurt her.

"Oh, right. So, how are you doing?" Tavin asks you.

"Oh, fine except for the fact that you two are ignoring me again. You're a couple, right?" You ask, feeling that you better make sure before you told someone.

"Yes, and sorry if we left you out while he was pinching me." Kivessa said.

"Hey, Tavin? I think Charmiaz is ready to fly soon, if you know what I mean." She said, looking flustered.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess that stuff'll happen now that she's an adult." He said, looking into her eyes.

"Well, this is interesting." You say, trying to break it up before it gets serious. They do have it bad for each other, you think.

"Oh, well yeah, we better go now, gotta see other people. Bye, Tavin." She says and gives him a light kiss on the check. He just waves and smiles as they go.

Follow Kivessa

Personal Stats:
Name: Tavin
Age: 16 years
Gender: Male
Born: May 18
Height: 5'9"
Looks: Dk. gray-blue hair, dk. blue eyes
Lives in: Dragon Moon
Position: 2nd in command

Dragon: Ondrath
Dragon's Gender: Male
Color: Bronze
Wingspan: 41 feet
Mate: Silver Charmiath
Mother: Mereth
Father: Calireth
Origin: Dragon Moon

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